Chapter Thirty-Seven

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**This is a double update. Wattpad is being glitchy so if you didn't get notified, Ch 36 was up today**

Daisy Seresin

    Poppy watched Jake go inside, and then looked back at Daisy. "I'm sorry about the door. The wind caught it as I was coming out. I was worried it woke you up but I see you were awake." She told her. "Go back inside. I just needed some air."

    Daisy patted her hair, wondering if it was messed up but Jake hadn't touched it. He'd touched plenty of other places in their brief time before the sound broke through the room. She glanced down, not realizing her top was still open some. She wasn't entirely exposed but she could see some cleavage. She re-did the buttons, covering herself again. She shook her head. "No. What's up?" She asked. "Thinking about tomorrow?" She couldn't imagine knowing your marriage was officially over tomorrow.

    "I'm sure Jake is disappointed you're out here and not upstairs." Poppy said, raising her eyebrows. "He's always looked at you but lately it's almost nauseating." She said, "And I'm kind of jealous. Not of it being Jake, just I don't know that Sebastian and I ever had that. Not really."

    "He gets it." Daisy assured her, as she sat down across from her sister. She suspected Jake had some disappointment but knew Daisy wouldn't be in the mood without checking on her sister. She snorted. "He's only gawking like crazy because I have boobs now." She told her sister, who shook her head. "And probably some weird, man thing, pleased that I am carrying his child or something. Caveman bullshit."

    "I don't doubt that's added some excitement to his life but no, that's not what I mean." Poppy replied, "I just mean I can see how much he loves you." She was quiet for a moment. "I haven't made the best choices the last few weeks and it's weighing on me some tonight. I suppose maybe feeling guilty." She tucked her legs under her on the patio chair. "I've slept with someone a few times. Back the first weekend of August when you guys went out of town for your birthday."

    Daisy was surprised. Her sister wasn't really a one night stand person, she'd only ever been with Sebastian. That would have been about three weeks after she filed for divorce. "And how was it?" She asked.

    "I came to the realization Sebastian isn't very good in bed and I had nothing to compare it to." Poppy answered bluntly and Daisy laughed. "It wasn't a date or anything. The first time I was drunk. He was drunk, sort of a mistake. But then it happened three more times after that. It stopped though by the end of the month." It was the first weekend in September now. "I feel guilty about it, but it was kind of freeing in a way. I hadn't felt that free in months." She paused. "I know it sounds like I've made it out like being married to Seb was hell. It wasn't always, but it was suffocating at times. I didn't feel like his equal. It became more apparent after we got married than before."

    "Don't feel guilty. You said the marriage was emotionally over long before you left, and when this happened, you were already separated." Daisy told her. "I'm not judging you. At all." And she wasn't. She was sitting on the couch piece of furniture and had her arm draped across the top of her baby bump. "Why do you think it's bothering you tonight? Just with the finalization tomorrow?" She asked her sister.

Poppy took a deep breath. "Because I'm pregnant."

Daisy blinked, wondering if she had misheard her. "You're what?" She asked, but she had heard her.

"Just barely. I suspected it a few days ago, and had it confirmed." Poppy answered. "I tracked it back to the drunken sex." She replied, "That's why it's on my mind tonight. I feel ashamed by the whole thing now."

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