Chapter Forty-Five

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Jake Seresin

    Six weeks had passed since Lily had been born, and Jake wasn't sure he remembered what sleep was. She was a good baby but damn, the up and down all night got old. She was on a pretty strict schedule right now which was important. He knew around three months, she'd get better. She had to be fed more frequently now, and Jake thought it was kind of like a gremlin. He didn't tell Daisy that, though his brother had thought the comment was funny.

Jake did feel like he and Daisy had found their footing though, and had gotten a pretty solid routine down now. He had tried to do more the first three weeks while he had been off work, considering Daisy was exhausted. He hadn't particularly minded either way, but she had opted for formula for Lily. She'd mentioned not wanting her to rely on only Daisy and it would make it easier for when Daisy went back to work, which had finally come around.

    Daisy had been off six weeks, and was going back to work that day. So the time had come, and they were both nervous about it. Jake's Mom was going to keep her for a few weeks, then she was going to transition to daycare. They had both agreed not to ask Daisy's parents, not when her Dad had just started his cancer treatment. It was an experimental treatment trial, and Daisy thought it was too much. Jake's Mom had been happy to help, and she was coming over to their house. They hadn't wanted it to be indefinitely since it wasn't fair to Jeremiah and Poppy, and they wanted Lily to have the option to socialize at daycare eventually as she got older.

    "You sure you feel good to go back?" Jake asked Daisy. He was leaning against the sink in their bathroom, while she finished getting ready.

    "I'm still a little tired, but I'm ready." Daisy answered. "Definitely better than the first two weeks. And I at least don't look pregnant anymore."

    Her abdomen had taken about two weeks to flatten back down, which had been normal, but she had initially been upset about it. He knew she had been tired, hormonal, and just about anything upset her. She looked more like herself now physically for the most part and more rested.

    Daisy sighed. "Do I look okay? I don't want to look haggard going back into the office." She said, turning to face Jake. "This was a pre-pregnancy outfit but I don't know. I have ten or so pounds I want to lose as I get to feeling like exercising but does it look okay?"

    Jake thought she looked fine. She'd lost quite a bit of weight after the baby, which was expected. He knew she was a little self conscious now, but she looked good. She'd literally had a baby six weeks ago, he thought she was being too hard on herself. "It doesn't look tight in the pants or bottom of your shirt." He answered, "But the top is a little busty for work. Maybe do something without buttons." He didn't mean it in the sense he didn't want her showing parts of her body, but more that he knew she'd rather be covered for work.

    Daisy nodded. "I thought so too. Will you grab the grey sweater at the end of the closet?" She asked, unbuttoning her dress top. She took it off, standing in her bra and her dress pants she had on. They were high waisted and Jake thought flattering on her. She handed Jake the blouse and he traded her back the sweater.

    "Better?" Daisy asked, tucking it into the pants and Jake nodded. "It's still kind of tight on my chest but that's not as bad as the buttons popping open. I'd die." She said, "You're sure I look right?"

    Jake put his hands on her waist and pulled her toward him. "Yes. You look beautiful. And ready to go back and boss everyone around." He told her and she smiled a little. "Give yourself some grace. And I told you, if you want to start working out together to get some strength back and lose weight, I will. But after you're cleared by the doctor."

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