Chapter Thirteen

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Jake Seresin

Two weeks after the Utah trip, Daisy hadn't mentioned what she had said on their last night. Jake asked her if she remembered anything the next morning and she had told him no, that everything had felt like a blur and she wasn't taking the medicine again. She had healed though, her injury was non existent now. Jake wasn't sure if he felt relief that she didn't remember or disappointed.

He knew it had to be the medicine. Daisy didn't feel anything for him or want him in any way besides their friendship. He wished he hadn't admitted that he did, even if she didn't remember. He had thought about what Sebastian said though, that they both looked at one another over the years like they had feelings. That wouldn't check out, she was with Logan during the time Sebastian had been referring to. Her soon to be brother-in-law was likely just full of shit.

Jake sighed as he shut the shower off. He had just finished Top Gun for the day, it had ended up being close to a twelve hour class. They were almost to the half way point now and things weren't slowing down. Not that Jake wanted them to, but the intensity had already kicked up. He put a towel around his waist and walked out into the locker room. Normally he'd just shower at home, but Coyote had staked claim on the house for a few hours.

"Like what you see?" Jake asked, seeing Bradshaw still there. He was dressed and was clearly heading out. They were the only two in the locker room.

"Jar." Rooster replied, rolling his eyes.

"Those rules don't apply when we're not home." Jake reminded him, as he opened his locker. "What are your plans while we're banished from the house?"

"Probably go to The Hard Deck," Rooster answered, putting his phone into his pocket. "Since Daisy hasn't wised up yet to dating you, I'm guessing that's where you're headed?"

"She's having dinner with her parents." Jake said, "She invited me but I opted out. They still don't know we're dating." They had considered dropping that sooner rather than later. Daisy was trying to time it to leave a window before the wedding for them to get used to it but not too much. She just didn't want animosity at the wedding, if there was any. "Care if I join you?"

Rooster mock gasped. "A drink with Hangman? I'm flattered."

Jake snorted. "It's a worthy place to be. You're lucky I asked, I don't usually go out with 5's."

"I'll meet you outside, dick." Rooster told him, leaving Jake alone in the locker room. Jake changed and met Rooster outside, and followed him to The Hard Deck. Jake had taken his bike that day, and climbed off when they reached the bar. He had to admit, Bradshaw had a nice ride. It was a vintage Bronco.

"Is your caterpillar comfortable being the third wheel?" Jake asked, "Or do you have a parasitic relationship since it's attached to your face?" He leaned against the bar after walking inside. "I'm going to name it Brad."

Rooster sighed. "Don't make me regret this."

"You're not already?" Jake questioned with a grin. He ordered a beer, as did Rooster. He recognized the bar owner, Penny Benjamin. She clearly knew Rooster too, her talking to him for a few minutes before he and Rooster walked over to the dart board. "How do you two know each other?"

Rooster picked up one of the darts. "She's dating Maverick. They have on and off for years, seems serious this time. He was like a surrogate Dad to me." He answered, twisting the dart around before throwing it at the board.  It was close to a bullseye.

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