Chapter Thirty-One

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Daisy Seresin

Daisy had lost count of how many times over the last four weeks she had tried to tell Jake about the baby. She chickened out every single time. It was getting harder to hide things, like the morning sickness. She thought she was being discreet, but couldn't control when it hit, which turned out was any time of day. Most of the time, Jake was still asleep or had just left. She had gone to the doctor a few days after taking all the pregnancy tests and got the confirmation she was definitely pregnant. She was ten weeks along now, she had found out around week six. Four weeks had passed and she hadn't mustered up the courage to tell Jake.

His detachment assignment had gone well, the team had gotten back before it was time to leave for Jake's trip. They had invited Rooster and Phoenix, but they had wanted to stay behind to have some time alone. Bianca and Coyote had also been invited (not together), but both had decline due to work. So it ended up being Jake, Daisy, Poppy and Jeremiah. Sebastian had to pull out last minute to fly to New York for work.

"You can still take the plane," Sebastian said to Poppy. "It'll be easier."

"We'll drive. It's only twelve hours. A road trip will be fun." Poppy said, shrugging. "And you'll come meet us if you finish earlier?" She asked him.

Sebastian nodded. "Absolutely." He said, "Happy Birthday, Jake. Sorry to be missing it." He patted Jake on the shoulder. Jake's actual 28th birthday was the following day, July 4.

"I'm booking a flight then. I can't do a 12 hour car ride." Daisy said, looking at her sister. The way she had been getting sick lately, she knew there was no way. She had struggled the day she drove into LA for work, she didn't know how a trip this long would be.

"Thanks." Jake said to Sebastian then turned to Daisy. "We've done car rides that long before." He told her. "We drove home that one Christmas from college the year we missed our flight and that was way over 12 hours."

Poppy looked at Daisy. She knew why Daisy was objecting to the car ride, and seemed to be seeing if Daisy would cave and tell Jake she was pregnant. Poppy stood there with crossed arms. "Fine." Daisy said, waving her hands up. "I get car sick now and prepare to be stopping a lot."

Jeremiah groaned. "It's going to take probably 15 hours then." He complained, sighing.

"Are you sure you don't want to fly-" Sebastian began but Poppy stopped him.

"Take it to New York. We'll drive." Poppy said again. "Load it up boys." She added, looking at Jake and Jeremiah. She snapped her fingers before slipping her cat eye sunglasses on. Daisy noticed her and Sebastian didn't have the most open body language toward each other at the moment.

"Yes, princess." Jeremiah responded, rolling his eyes. They were going to go in Jake's Jeep. It had plenty of room, and the gas mileage was better than Daisy's Bronco, but it was at home anyway.

Sebastian went in the house and came back out, handing Daisy a packet of Dramamine. She realized it was for when she said she got car sick. She had no idea if she could even take that right now or not. "Thanks, Seb." She told him. She looked up and sighed, thinking it was going to be a long day.

Just like Daisy had suspected, she had to have Jake pull over a few times and she threw up on the side of the road. It wasn't her finest moment, but she couldn't help it. And it was better than in the Jeep. Poppy and Jeremiah bickered most of the way in the backseat, and Daisy did her best to try to drown them out. Jake kept telling her to take the Dramamine, but she didn't want to without having asked her doctor first.

The Plan // Jake Seresinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें