Chapter Eighteen

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Daisy Kazansky

    The morning of the wedding and the actual ceremony went absolutely smoothly. It was a gorgeous, November wedding at The Plaza in New York City. Daisy had woken up exhausted after spending the night with Jake, but thankfully was able to hide it with makeup. She didn't regret it, she had missed him. She couldn't believe her sister was married. They had known this was happening for a year but the reality had settled in that her little sister was married, as she watched Poppy dance with Sebastian at the reception.

    "Do you think he lines their bed with salt at night to keep her evil spirit away?" Jake asked Daisy. "That might be a good tip, I need to pass it along."

    Daisy elbowed him. "My sister isn't evil." She told him. "And if anyone can handle her, it's Sebastian. I think they're good together." She looked at Jake, taking him in. He looked incredibly sexy in his suit, which she didn't see often. Outside of a few events in their lives, he usually was in casual clothing.

    "They're alright," Jake said, shrugging. Daisy knew he was just giving her a hard time about it. "Also we should take a bet. I think she'll be pregnant by the end of the honeymoon."

Daisy snorted. "We're going to take a bet on how fast they have kids? She told me she wants to wait a few years." She told Jake. She considered. "So I disagree, and I bet not for at least three years."

"I didn't say it would be planned." Jake said and Daisy laughed. "It would almost be like karma, she is so uptight and plans every moment of her life to have something go wrong." He said, "But regardless, she'd be a kick ass mom. And don't tell her I said that. We don't compliment each other."

Daisy looked at him. "Don't say that! I feel like by trying to curse her with an accidental pregnancy you're going to curse us and I am not having your babies." She told him. "At least not now. I guess we'll see where things go for one day. But don't talk about it anymore. Right now I feel like we need some celibacy."

Jake stared at her then started laughing. "When the hell did you get so superstitious?" He asked her. "And it would be an honor to carry Seresin royalty should that ever come to pass." He told her. "Still think the day and last few weeks have gone too smooth or have you let go of that superstition?"

    Daisy rolled her eyes. "Laugh at me all you want but it won't be so funny when it happens." She warned him. She glanced back at her sister once then Jake. She sipped her champagne. "I need to let go of it. But I haven't had things go this good in years. Us for example. It worked out too perfectly. It's like we fell into a natural rhythm like we've always been together. Then my parents were surprisingly good about it. The wedding was perfect." She said, "I don't trust it."

    "It's okay to be happy, you know that right?" Jake asked, "As for us, I think we were inevitable and fell into place." He replied and Daisy could hear sincerity in his voice. Any joking from before was gone. "That doesn't mean it'll always be easy though, and when that happens, it doesn't mean we're falling apart. Life has ups and downs."

    "When did you become so philosophical?" Daisy asked, "Weren't you a history major?" She knew he wasn't, but was teasing him. His actual degree he got at the academy floored her. Jake wasn't dumb, but had never been as into school as she was. He had to have his bachelors to become an officer though and did what he needed. It would also benefit him after the Navy. She nodded, "You're right." She finally agreed.

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