Chapter Forty

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Jake Seresin

From the outside, the Navy looked like it was all excitement. In reality, it was actually a lot of sitting around and continuing to learn. Jake was having one of those days, he had some classes to complete. He had continuing education as a pilot and as an instructor for Top Gun. Jake never loved school, though he was good at it. He preferred hands on things rather than books, but that was what he was stuck doing currently for the day. It wasn't always sitting in a classroom, this particular instance he was in a lounge area with Rooster. They both were reading over PowerPoints on their laptops.

"I'm going to propose to Phoenix this weekend." Rooster said, interrupting Jake's thoughts.

"Finally. Has hell frozen over? I thought this day would never come." Jake responded. "I sure hope she says yes." He added, looking over at Rooster with a snide grin.

"Hey, not all of us rushed our relationships." Rooster replied, "Especially not like Jeremiah. He did everything backwards."

    Jake snorted. That was for sure. "That whole situation still blows my mind. But it's his life." He shrugged. Poppy and Jeremiah seemed to be clicking. He wasn't sure really what they were to one another, but he'd noticed some physical touch since they had gone on a few dates. They'd spent more time together just them, which was good if it was what they were wanting to do. "I can't believe they're having fucking twins though." It was ironic since Jeremiah had spooked him with the idea of twins and it ended up being his brother who had them. Kar-ma.

    "I think they'll be good parents though." Rooster commented and Jake didn't disagree. His brother would definitely need some work but he wasn't alone in it. Jake had no idea what being a father was like either. "But anyway, yes this weekend. Daisy told me she found the ring box months ago though."

    "She hasn't split so she must be fine with knowing a proposal is coming." Jake pointed out. "Why'd you wait so long after getting it?" He asked. He had known when Rooster got the engagement ring, and it had been a while back now. He wasn't judging, he was just curious.

    "Wanted the timing to be right. We're going out of town for the weekend to San Francisco." Rooster answered. He looked back at his screen and rubbed his eyes. "I'm taking my quiz and just winging it. I can't take any more of it."

    "Good luck with that." Jake told him. He might not be interested in this, but he definitely didn't want to wing the test. He looked up whenever Maverick came into the room. Jake and Rooster both looked surprised to see him, so Jake suspected Rooster hadn't anticipated this visit.

    "Hangman, can I talk to you outside?" Maverick asked, and Jake was wondering what this was about. He didn't have much of a relationship with Maverick outside of occasionally seeing him through Daisy's parents. He closed his laptop and followed Maverick outside into the hallway.

    "Ice is getting checked out in the clinic. They tried calling Sarah but couldn't get a hold of her." Maverick said, "I thought you'd want to know."

    "I think she's with Poppy looking at houses." Jake told him. He vaguely remembered Daisy mentioning something about that. Poppy had started to consider where to move, and to Jake's surprise, had briefly discussed his brother going with her for the babies arrival. "I'll go." He said, nodding. He took out his phone, and texted Daisy. She was at work, but he thought she would want to know.

The Plan // Jake SeresinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant