Chapter Forty-One

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Daisy Seresin

Thanksgiving lunch was spent with the Kazansky's, which ended up being Daisy helicoptering her Dad the entire time. He finally had enough of her mother hen business and asked her to stop. He told her there wasn't anything to report about his health after what happened the day before. Daisy felt bad for her hovering, but she was worried. By the time they got to Jake's family that evening, she had lightened up some. She knew there wasn't anything she could do and was trying to let go of it for now.

The Seresins had a tradition every Thanksgiving once the extended family left, they kicked off the Christmas season with a gingerbread house contest. Daisy had participated a few times growing up, but it had been pretty fun participating actually in the family. She was helping Jake's Mom, Meredith, in the kitchen getting the supplies ready.

Daisy pushed up the sleeves to her cardigan so she didn't get powdered sugar on them. She had on an emerald green sweater dress, booties and a long rust colored cardigan. She may feel uncomfortable toward the end of her pregnancy, but she didn't want to dress like it. Though she figured she may feel differently in another month.

"How're you feeling?" Meredith asked, opening up a bag of gum drops. She poured them into several bowls for each team. Sometimes it was individual, sometimes it was on teams.

"There's good and bad days I think." Daisy answered. "Which I think will be the new normal until she's here."

    Meredith laughed. "Pretty much. I wish I could tell you otherwise but unfortunately the last few weeks are hard." She replied, continuing to fill the candy bowls. Jake was in the living room with his Dad, watching one of the football games on. "I'm glad Poppy decided to come." She commented, nodding toward them.

    "You could lie, Meredith. I'd accept that. Tell me it's smooth sailing." Daisy told her and she laughed. She looked toward the dining room where Jeremiah and Poppy were. Jeremiah had invited her, and she had been hesitant at first. She knew their family well, but she'd been nervous about going. Jeremiah was putting the tip on their icing tube, and accidentally squirted Poppy in the face. She jumped back and Jeremiah wiped it off her nose. Daisy swore her sister's cheeks turned pink. "I am too. I think she was hesitant because...." She debated on even saying it.

    "Because she had in-laws from hell?" Meredith finished, and Daisy nodded.

    "You're not hers, and she knows you guys, but this whole situation hits close to home with the divorce. Plus our parents weren't overly thrilled initially about the pregnancy. I think she worries what you guys think. Even though you were way more accepting of it." Daisy explained, mixing a little more milk into the powdered sugar in her bowl.

    "Jason and I look at it that it's Jem's life. We initially worried about Poppy shutting us out given what she dealt with before, but hopefully she sees that isn't the case." Meredith told Daisy. Between the two boys, Jeremiah looked more like their mother, and Daisy saw it often in the two of them. Meredith had made a point to spend some time with Poppy, with things regarding the twins. Poppy had been iffy at first, but eventually lowered that wall. "Are they dating?"

    "I think so. They seem to not really know what to call it. They're not diving head first anyway. I think Jere is concerned about moving too fast since she just got divorced and then this happened." Daisy said, shrugging. "I think things happen for a reason and we miss opportunities if we don't take the risk." Daisy knew her and Jake may not have happened if she hadn't taken that chance.

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