Chapter Fifty-Six

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Jake Seresin

    Jake had planned their honeymoon in Bora Bora, only asking Daisy beforehand if she was okay with somewhere tropical. They were staying at a resort that pretty much sat on the water. It was little overwater bungalows. Though Jake promised if Daisy wanted nothing to do with the ocean, that was okay, since she was comfortable with beaches. She had gotten a little more comfortable with the water, and she had pointed out, the water here was clear. That didn't freak her out as much as bodies of water she couldn't see through. Much like what they had back home in California.

    They had gotten in the day before, and were going to spend a little time out in the sun. Daisy had been pissed when she saw what her sister had packed her. No "regular" pajamas Daisy put it, everything in there was some form of lingerie. Nothing just casual, everything was very "dressy" beach style. Jake didn't see the issue, but Daisy had felt like her sister was trying to set her up for some kind of sex marathon. Jake pointed out it was their honeymoon after all, and Daisy just looked at him.

    She had, however, liked the swimsuits Poppy had put in. She was currently wearing a navy one Jake hadn't seen before. It had a cutout bottoms on the hips and a plunge top that Jake thought showed off her chest well. Daisy had been pleased with the support in the top apparently, Jake didn't realize some swimsuit tops weren't supportive, but then again, he was a guy. He didn't know swimsuits got that complex.

    Daisy was in the lounge chair next to him on the deck of their bungalow. She was laying on her side with her sunglasses on, while Jake was reading a book. Or pretending to, he kept glancing over at his wife. Daisy had always been in good shape, but since she had started training with him, holy shit. They'd kept that up the last ten months, finding it to be something they enjoyed together. Daisy was also pretty pleased with the results, so she had wanted to keep a routine. She also mentioned it helped with her work stress, having an outlet.

    "What?" Daisy asked him. He had thought she was asleep but apparently not. "You're gawking."

    "Can I not gawk?" Jake questioned. "You look incredibly sexy, I am merely admiring the view."

    Daisy's mouth twitched slightly into a smile. "Thanks to you."

    "You've always been sexy. The extra toning just enhanced it." Jake replied, and he meant that. He glanced out at the clear blue water around them for a moment before looking back at Daisy. He had on a pair of black Ray-Ban Wayfarers and black swim trunks.

    "My impressive rack also enhanced it." Daisy said, and Jake laughed, then shrugged. She wasn't wrong, but he was laughing at her crude wording. "I seriously think you've got some kind of witchcraft. You joked about Jeremiah having twins-it happened. You hope and prayed I'd keep the bigger boobs after the baby," She waved over her full chest. "And then you said Poppy would have the babies while Jere was away, and boom. Perhaps you should go into a fortune teller business. Or let people hire you to bring bad things upon their enemies. The Godfather of North Island."

    Jake snorted. "I'm an all powerful being, what can I say," He told her, and she waved him off. "You just said it yourself. I'm magical. Kind of like a God."

    "Oh please. All of which could be coincidence. Twins run in my family. Boobs can change after pregnancy. And Poppy was having twins, there was a chance they'd come early." Daisy said, lowering her sunglasses to give him a look. "I take back what I said. You have no powers."

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