Chapter Forty-Nine

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Daisy Seresin

    Jake and the team had been gone almost two weeks. A lot of that was time at sea, Daisy suspected they were probably flying the mission now or soon, or maybe even just finished. It was hard to time it, but he was supposed to be back in two weeks. She tried not to focus on it too much, there wasn't anything she could do from home. She definitely thought about Jake, but attempted to stay focused on work, Lily and her Dad. Work had been going well since being back after her maternity leave, she finally was making some head way in getting caught up. Her boss, Charles, was still impressed with the overall functionality of the San Diego office. They had good numbers on their website and social media for news. Sports was still their number one interest, but they had branched out to other forms of coverage. Daisy's Top Gun article she had done months back had gained a lot of attention.

The week after Jake left, Daisy had participated with Bianca in Poppy's line shoot. It had been an experience, but a fun one. The models working the shoot were nice, to Daisy's surprise, and she got to meet with the editor of Vogue. She had been a little nervous about the whole thing, but she saw the photo previews, and was pretty impressed. Above all, Poppy's designs were gorgeous. She was happy her sister was taking off. This had always been her dream, though she had started with fashion buying and merchandising. Her endgame had always been to have her own fashion line, which wasn't easy to achieve, especially not at twenty-six. Poppy was a force though, and she had room to fly wherever she wanted.

Daisy was visiting her parents, she was out in their large backyard. She was sitting on a blanket with Lily, who had hit her three month mark not long ago. She recognized familiar faces now and finally had more upper body strength. The wobbly baby head period had made Daisy nervous, but she was getting to where she had more support now on her own. Daisy had brought her laptop, intending to maybe do some work on that Saturday morning, but had been more occupied with her parents and Lily.

"She looks like Jake." Daisy's Dad said, "Our genes failed."

Daisy looked to her Dad. "I put in all the work only for that to happen." She replied, "I think it's just the eye color." Daisy thought the eye shape was more her. "Poppy finally admitted that too, though." As of right now, Lily definitely favored her Dad. Which wasn't a bad thing, Jake made a gorgeous kid, just Daisy felt like she had done all the work and Jake got credit. Typical for Jake Seresin to some how finish strong.

"Babies change as they get older. It's not a fair determination now." Her Mom pointed out. "You and your sister favor your Dad more, so I had it twice."

Daisy and her Dad exchange a look with a smile. "So you're starting the second round of treatment next week?" She asked him. "I can drive you if you need to." She picked up Lily, and she immediately went for the dangly earrings she had on. She moved her hand away, then she yanked on Daisy's hair. Since she had learned to grab, anything was fair game.

"Your Mom is," Ice replied, "And yes, we are going onto the next round."

Daisy thought her Dad looked exhausted. The treatments were a lot, it took a toll on you. His first testing results showed some progress in fighting back against the cancer. Not as much as his new doctor had hoped, but there had clearly been some response. She moved her head back as her daughter pulled her hair again. "No, Lily." She said, though Lily just stared at her with green eyes that had no idea what she was talking about. She had such a sweet, innocent look that it was hard to say no to her. She looked back at her Dad. "Is it the same as last time?"

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