Chapter Sixty-Three

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Daisy Seresin
July - Three Months Later

Three months had passed since losing her Dad. Daisy felt like it was still a nightmare sometimes she couldn't wake up from. She had been in therapy, processing her grief. She had recently started a journal where she wrote letters to her Dad, things she wanted to tell him about her day or anything else. She found that she liked that, especially being a writer. She felt more like herself these days than the first month, but she knew she'd never fully be the same person she was. A piece of her was missing and nothing would ever quite fill that hole.

Daisy tried to focus on getting ready for the baby, Lily and Jake, who had been the biggest support Daisy could have ever asked for. He took over a lot of Daisy's roles at home, during the days she had barely left the bed in the beginning. She was back to doing her share of their marriage, and didn't just stay in bed. She had taken about two weeks off work after her Dad died, and had worked her way back in. Logan's trial had been pushed out a few times, and had begun earlier that week. Daisy was getting ready to leave for the sentencing. Today would determine if a monster walked free or not.

"Are we still having Jeremy and Poppy over?" Daisy asked Jake, standing in their closet. She had no idea what to wear and was still in her silk robe.

"As far as I know," Jake answered. He was shaving at the bathroom sink and sounded like he was finishing up.

Daisy hadn't heard otherwise, but assumed the evening plans were still on. Her sister had thrown herself into work after their Dad passed, and ended up having a complete breakdown. Daisy found out about it the day after it happened when Jeremiah called them. She hadn't gone inpatient, nothing like that, but Jere had found her in the floor of the shower bawling, curled up in a ball. She started back to therapy after that, and was seeing better days. Poppy tended to try to stuff things down, and this was something you couldn't.

Daisy grabbed one of her dress shirts and pulled it on. She tried to button it and groaned. "I am sick of nothing fitting!" She yelled as Jake walked into the closet. He looked at her with an amused expression. "It's not funny." She tried to close the button on her top again but it wasn't happening. She was twenty-seven weeks along now. She'd been relieved to not have as much change with her breasts this time, considering she'd stayed fuller after Lily, but she had gone up a cup size. Her bump was definitely pronounced now too. To be fair, she was pretty sure that was a top before she ever had Lily that had stayed in her closet. 

"Personally, I think the tits out look is great for court." Jake replied, "And didn't you tell me once he mocked your small boobs? What a way to say, enjoy prison asshat. And my double d's." He flashed her a grin.

Daisy put a hand on her hip. "Are you finished?" She asked him, but Jake still looked amused. "And my boobs weren't that small. I had a nice B-Cup. But yes, he did." She paused. "If he goes to prison. He could get off."

"They were fine before, I was using his wording." Jake replied, and Daisy knew that. Jake had never made critical remarks about her body, but she knew he was overly fond of her bigger boobs. It was almost annoying at times, but then again, she liked that her husband loved her body.

She sure as hell loved his.

"The jury would be idiots to not convict him. There's too much evidence." Jake told her. He was dressed in his uniform for the day. It was 4am, Daisy had to leave early for court in Los Angeles. Jake had gotten up with her though.

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