Chapter Two

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Daisy Kazansky

    "What the hell are you doing here!" Daisy exclaimed, "I thought you were some creep lurking around my car!" She punched him lightly on the arm. She realized then that it had been his biceps she had been checking out. She felt heat rush to her face and hoped he didn't notice.

    "A good looking creep." Jake amended, trying to shield her punch. He then grabbed her, pulling her into a hug. "Were you going to mace me, Kazansky?" He asked, pulling back. She saw his green eyes locked onto the pink mace in her hand with his eyebrows raised.

    "I was prepared to defend myself in any way necessary." Daisy answered, raising her chin. "And good looking creep is debatable." She added. "I'd say you were a 5/10 on the attractive creep scale. If there was such a thing."

    Jake rolled his eyes. "Get your eyes checked then." He told her. "Because I am nothing below a ten." He reached over and touched the ends of her blonde hair. "You cut your hair off," He commented. "Looks good." His expression seemed to realize how long it had been since they had seen each other face to face this time.

    "It was recent," Daisy replied, referring to her haircut. It had been a split decision. She'd always had long hair and didn't give it much thought one afternoon. She ended up with a textured bob that hit her shoulders. "So seriously, what brings you up? Lemoore isn't exactly close. Not that I'm not thrilled to see you."

    "About that," Jake began, "I'm actually at North Island for thirteen weeks." He told her. She could tell he was trying not to grin, and she knew why.

    "No." Daisy said, covering her mouth. "Jake," She watched him nod. "Top Gun?!" That was the most likely reason he would go to North Island, not to mention she knew it was a thirteen week program. It was the fighter weapons school in the Navy, the admission rate was 1%. She threw her arms around him, squeezing him."Look at you, you bad ass." She grinned as she pulled back. "So you're literally like fifteen minutes from me for almost two months."

    "Yep, so you better get used to seeing my 5/10 face. Because it's an honor to get to be in my presence." Jake answered. "I took an Uber over here. Figured we could go get dinner. And catch up." That explained why he was lurking around her car, so they could ride together.

    "Maybe you can help me figure out a solution to the big mess I've made of my life then." Daisy said and she saw Jake raise an eyebrow.

    Over dinner and drinks at the Hard Deck, a local bar, Jake and Daisy caught up. Jake shared some about starting Top Gun that week and about his fellow classmates. Daisy filled Jake in on her boyfriend lie and how it had spiraled out of control now with her family expecting to meet the mystery man at the wedding. She hadn't told him any of this when it started, mostly out of embarrassment. Plus, he had bigger things to worry about.

    Jake stared at Daisy for what felt like an eternity when she finished. He never judged her in their almost twenty years of friendship, but this was probably the closest she had ever felt to being judged by him. He sipped his beer and ran a hand through his hair. "You've got to call it off, Dais. Say you broke up. Or just tell them the truth." He said, "There's no scenario where this ends well." He sat the beer bottle down. "And why lie in the first place? You've never let this stuff bother you before."

    "If I say we broke up, then they're back to feeling sorry for me. Then I go to my sister's wedding alone." Daisy replied, "And if I come clean, that's even worse." She sighed. "I don't know. I was tired of them riding my back. As if my life isn't complete without a man." She rolled her eyes.

    "You're going to the wedding alone regardless, mystery man doesn't exist." Jake pointed out and Daisy stuck her tongue out at him. "Just take me. It's not the end of the world to go with a friend. I happen to make nice arm candy." He grinned.

    "It is when I've made up this whole story about being in love." Daisy said, sighing. "I appreciate the offer." She paused. She glanced around, seeing some of Jake's class in the bar. Most of them were congregated at the pool table. "What about one of them? Maybe I can convince one to date me for the next two months, go to the wedding, then all is well in the world." She tilted her head. "Bradshaw is looking good these days." He really was.

    Jake looked annoyed at the mention of Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw. He was the closest thing Jake had to an enemy in the Navy. Mostly they liked to rile each other up, it wasn't anything more serious than that. "You could do better than Bradshaw, and should." He replied, in a tone that Daisy couldn't quite place. "And no. None of them are good enough for you or your plot. Plus, they'd all run the other direction knowing the wrath of the Commander of the Pacific Fleet would be after them for dating his daughter."

    "What? He's hot. He could probably break my Dad's no pilot rule since he's like a kid to Maverick." Daisy pointed out. Maverick was one of her Dad's oldest friends. "Seriously, normally I'm not into facial hair but I'm digging the mustache situation." Rooster was tall, tan and had an 80s stash. It worked for him. He was actually a decent guy, Daisy had met him a couple of times. She scowled at the mention of her Dad.

    "No." Jake said, seemingly agitated. "Just no. And stop saying he's hot. I'm losing my appetite thinking about that worm on his face." Daisy snorted at the mention of Rooster's mustache.

    "Coyote?" Daisy suggested, who was Jake's closest friend in the Navy. "He's cute. Funny. Even if he follows you around like a lap dog. So his taste may be questionable." Jake shook his head, obviously not liking that either. Daisy sighed. "What solution do you have then? Clearly I need one worthy of the approval of Jake Thomas Seresin." She crossed her arms. She wasn't sure what his problem was. She sighed. "Forget it. I made this mess. It snowballed before I even realized it. I freaked out. My little sister is getting married and weddings bring out weird pressure-"

    "I'll do it. I'll be your pretend boyfriend for the wedding." Jake stated.

    "You'll what?"

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