"Why don't you go for it? It seems like both of you are on the same page" She said.

"He doesn't want a relationship. I won't go into details since it's his business, but he's had things happen in life to make him turn away from dating so that's a lost cause."

"Damn that sucks, but from what I see with you guys something's going to happen sooner or later" She said.

"Maybe" I shrugged.


When I get to the home I'm greeted by Leo as soon as I walk into the apartment.

I shut the door behind me and bend down to pet him. "Hey buddy" I scratch the top of his head.

He let's out a big meow letting me know he's hungry.

"Ignore him, I just fed him, but now that you're home he's trying to swindle you into feeding him" Ryot said from the other end of the living room.

I walk further into the apartment and see Ryot standing in his underwear with his socks on so that's nothing new, but he's holding a hockey stick and has a net set up in the corner.

"Getting extra practice in?"

He shrugged. "Yeah, and I got bored" He said.

"Ohh ok."

"You wanna play with me?" He asked excitedly like a little boy.

I smile. "Sure."

"Ok hold on, I'll get you a stick" He ran out of the room and into his room, then came back out with a hockey stick and a few hockey balls.

The balls he uses are almost like foam around the size of a golf ball, we always used them when we'd play when we were kids.

"What do you wanna play?" He asked.

"I don't care, it's up to you."

"We could play a shoot out" He said.

"Ok I'm down, flip a coin to see who gets it first."

He walks over to the key dish on the counter and grabs a nickel. "Ok, call it" He flips it up in the air.


He flips it on the back of his hand. "Heads, I go first" He said.

I turn to put my stuff on the couch when I feel him smack my ass with the end of his stick.

I turn around to see him smirk. "Why don't we make this interesting?" He asked.

"Alright... What do you have in mind?"

"Each time one of us makes a goal the other has to answer any question the other asks and let's say if either of us block the shot, the person in goal gets to ask the other another question" He said.

Ok, so basically like truth or dare, but with just truth.

"Ok, and by anything I'm assuming sexual questions?"

He smirked. "Yes" He said.

"Of course you horn dog."

He shrugs. "Hey don't tell me there's things you don't want to know about me" He said.

He's not wrong...

"Ok, game on Ry."

He drops the ball on the floor and slowly makes his way towards me, he does some moves that makes me think he's going one way then goes the other, scoring the goal.

I brace myself. "Ok, what do you wanna know?"

He smirks. "Ok, I'll take it easy on you to start then it'll get more intense" He said.

A Girl Can Dream (Dreams Series Spin-off)Where stories live. Discover now