Chapter 10

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Semi edited.

~~~Ryot's pov~~~

I put the weight back on the rack and wipe my face with my towel.

There's nothing like a good workout.

We had practice, took a break to look over game tapes, and then for the last hour we've been working out in the team weight room.

Jackson tosses me a bottle of water and I guzzle it down.

It's only Jackson, rookie, and me here.

After practice was over we opted to get a workout in instead of leaving.

We're probably overdoing it, but I felt like I needed to work out.

I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

Maybe I'll go and get take out for dinner for Everly and I.

I love going home now that I have my best friend back.

When she told me she was in love with me back then I was stunned.

Sure I knew she had feelings for me in middle school, but I thought that ended when we got to highschool, but given the timeline and everything it makes sense.

Now that I know her feelings I go back and look at every interaction we ever had differently, and man was I blind.

I mean I know that if she told me back then it wouldn't have changed anything.

Everly would be the only person I would consider a relationship with, but the possibility of it going south for both of us wouldn't have been worth it.

Obviously I know Everly would never cheat on anyone, but if we were to date and break up on bad terms, it would kill me because not only am I losing a girlfriend, but my best friend.

I don't care what anyone says, but once you're intimate with that person and you're in love, when you break up it's impossible to go back to being friends because you think about all those times when you were together.

I couldn't risk that with Everly.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna get going."

Jackson stands up and stretches. "Yeah I think I am too" He said.

Rookie wipes his face with a towel. "I guess I'll leave too since you guys are heading out" He shrugged.

We all hit the showers and when I'm done I put in a call to our local Chinese place to get dinner for Everly and I.

I'm excited because we'll finally have an opportunity to catch up.

It's only been a few days since we've been back from the away game when everything happened, and we haven't really had to to chill and catch up since we've been busy.

Between coach kicking our asses with practice and Ev having to treat more of my teammates, it's been rough to catch up.

I quickly change into my clothes, tell the guys goodbye and go grab the food.

Today isn't supposed to be my cheat day, but I'll make the exception, especially since it's Chinese food.

When I get to the apartment I unlock the door and place the food on the kitchen counter.

"Pumpkin, foods here!" I called out.

She can complain all she wants, but I know she does like the nicknames I give her, and they're gonna get way more ridiculous as time goes on, but I wanna ease her into it.

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