I began to look through the file cabinets against the wall behind the desk and Molly had meowed again, but louder.

"Molly, shush. You're not helping."

I began to look in the drawers in the desk and Molly had meowed once again. So I looked at her.

"What, Molly?"

I saw her tap her paw on some paper. I looked down at it and saw that it was the contract. I was actually quite surprised. It could have been a mere coincidence that she knew what I was looking for or she could have been just meowing because that's what cats do.

I grabbed the contract and left the office; closing the door behind me and trapping Molly in the room. I hated trapping her in rooms, but I didn't want Daniel to hurt Molly. I tried to tune out her little meows as if she was asking to be let out. It almost pained me to ignore her, but I pushed through it and got back to the living room.

I sat back down on the couch and handed the contract to Daniel who had been messing with his phone.

"Took you long enough," he snapped.

"Ok. I get that you don't like me. I fucking get it, but the least you could do is pretend."

Daniel just chuckled as he put his phone down and began looking over the contract. I knew this was gonna take awhile and I really didn't want to sit here and stare at him. So I began to twiddle my thumbs and look around the room.

"So...do you uh...want some...water?"

Daniel looked up from the contract and just nodded at me. I asked if he wanted ice and he didn't answer me; he had gone back to looking at the contract. So I got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen. I could hear him flipping through the pages of the contract as I took two glasses from the cupboard. He sighed a few times as I filled each glass with ice then filled them with water.

Before I had walked back out with the water, I had asked if he was hungry. He had told me that he was going out to eat after he was done here. He had mumbled something after that and I just assumed it probably had to do with me handling his food could be a bad thing. In a way, he is right. I might have spit in it just because I could. But again, "What would Niall do in this situation?" crossed my mind. Niall of course wouldn't spit in his food.

I sighed as I walked back out to the living room with the waters and sat down. I placed each glass on the coffee table then looked down at my hands. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daniel pick up his glass and take a few sips of water. He then cleared his throat and looked up at me.

"Well..." He cleared his throat. "Like I said yesterday about Niall's contract, he'd have to pay £6million to get out of his contract. But with you, it would have to be £10million..."

£10million?! Was he fucking crazy?!

"You already know we don't have that kind of money..."

Instead of addressing the money problem, he changed the subject.

"So..." He took a sip of his water, "you said Chris has harassed you?"

I nodded and took my first sip of water. Instead of putting the glass back down, I held it in my hands.

"Yeah...yeah he has..."

Oh god. Now I'm gonna have to open up to Daniel and this was something I never in a million years ever wanted to do.

"In what way?"

I tapped my fingers against the glass and suddenly got really interested with the ice cubes in my water.

Married to Styles (Sequel to Working for Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant