Grimoire: Draconic armor!

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As the mysterious energy began to enter Alan's body his vision became filled with darkness and he instantly lost consciousness and swayed unsteadily where he stood before subsequently falling.

However, before his body could hit the solid ground Akane instantly appeared right next to him and embraced his body in a soft tender hug.

However, her beautiful face was stern at this moment as she was connected to him spiritually, she could sense something abnormal was happening to him.

Despite seeming perfectly fine on the outside something was happening within his body. More specifically within his soul.

An unknown energy was gradually making its way inside every corner of Alan's body, as Akane held Alan closely her expression became more serious as she observed the unknown energy.

If the unfamiliar energy was harmful then she was prepared to do everything she could to get rid of it, but if the energy wasn't harmful then she would just observe the situation for the time being.

"No matter what I can't allow anything to happen to him." She mumbled.

She was almost certain what was happening had something to do with that unfamiliar technique hidden within the black book.

Although she didn't know why her instinct was so drawn towards the seemingly ordinary looking book that would normally go unnoticed by the eyes among so many others, she didn't feel it was a bad thing, if anything it was good.

"I hope you will get something good from this." Strands of her soft white hair flowed smoothly down her shoulders as she whispers softly into his ears.

Meanwhile, Inside Alan's body a strange energy was spreading throughout his soul, changing its structure and strengthening it further.

The energy was fused with his heart which thump in gentle rhythm.

As the unknown energy made its way towards every corner of his soul the black sphere inside his body pulsed violently as it rejected the unknown energy making its way towards it.

It was as if the unknown entity sleeping within rejected all kind of energy that approached its domain.

Nothing could get passed its area of influence. However, as the unknown energy continued persistently the vast soul space began to tremble as though something was about to awake.


Soon, two glowing amethysts like eyes gradually opened up amidst the darkness, devouring the unknown energy that was trying to get through.

As it devoured the energy its slightly weakened eyes glowed brighter as the energy strengthen and nourish it further.

After absorbing the unknown energy for some time those pair of amethyst like eyes which shone amidst the endless darkness gradually lost their glow and slowly closed.

Meanwhile, as Alan's soul was gradually assimilating with the unknown energy his consciousness wondered aimlessly.

He didn't know how much time had passed.
Sometimes it felt like only a second, sometimes it felt like a minute, sometimes it felt like a day, sometimes it felt like an entire month. He didn't even know if an entire year had passed.

Soon, he saw a vision. Standing on top the highest summit of a large mountain was a violet dragon. The dragon had deep violet draconic eyes that showed great wisdom and perseverance.


A loud bestial roar shook the skies as the dragon raised its head upwards. With a single flap of its giant wings a strong storm of wind was generated as the trees in the area swayed and oscillates fiercely.

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