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Standing a short distance away from the giant tree and into an open space, Alan did some light exercise stretching his muscles which were stiff and untrained.

After exercising for roughly half-hour, he finally sat down beneath the giant trees, his pale skin was covered in sweat as his breathing had become irregular, a calm and peaceful breeze brushes against his body as the soft sound of the swaying branches sounded the shade of the tree kept the sunlight from harming his skin.

"Sigh! Regaining all of my original strength isn't going to be easy, it might not even be possible with the current limitations of this body." Alan muttered to himself. His gazed turned upwards towards the vast blue sky that stretch endlessly above his head.

[That might be true but, before you became a demigod and had received the blessings goddess of vitality, even you were no different from that of a weak mortal yourself.] Akane commented.

"... I know that but, remembering the rigorous training Lady Udea had put me through isn't a pleasant memory, just recalling it makes me feel despair all over again for what's to come." Alan said his face grimacing in worry.

Her training methods were no laughing matters even now it was a miracle he had survived! At least he couldn't imagine someone else experiencing that and living to tell the tales.

[Hehe he. If you hadn't awakened me way back, then you would have definitely died.] Akane's sweet and melodious laughter sounded inside his mind.

"P-Please don't laugh at my black history." Alan said sighing.

Silence descended as Alan once again turned his head back up towards the sky, observing the cumulonimbus clouds slightly blocking the view of the sun filtering down.

"Young Master, are you there?" Soon a soft voice sounded from the entrance of the garden, as the figure of Trisa dressed in a maid outfit came into view.

"Is something wrong Lady Trisa?" Alan asked, tilting his head curiously.

"You know I've been wondering since this morning but, why do you keep calling me 'Lady' usually you would call me big sis." Trisa ask, her lips perked into a cute pout.

"Uh, oh I was just being respectful." Alan said his eyes darting away as an awkward smile spread across his face.

Now that he thought about it, Alan does refer to the twins using the 'Sis' When calling them but, even though Ellard has the memories of Alan they are completely different people.
Hearing his words Trisa's eyes widen slightly in a show of surprise.

"... I see you were being respectful there is no need for that kind of formality though, the young master is of a higher status than someone like me who is only a mere servant." Trisa said, placing a hand against her mouth giggling softly.

A gentle breeze blew causing her long glossy waist length black hair to flutter slightly.

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Alan asked, turning his gaze completely towards her.

"Oh, right! Your fiancée has arrived." Trisa uttered.

'Eh! Fiancée?' Alan stared dumbfoundedly. Since when did he had a fiancée? Ellard furrowed his brow searching through the memories of Alan but, no matter how much he searches he couldn't find any such memories.

[Hehe he. As expected of master.] Akane's playful voice sounded.

Hearing her words, he was suddenly filled with the urge to retort back at her but, he held himself back sighing instead.

"Fi-Fiancée you say." Alan sounded bewildered, something like fiancée or marriage wasn't something he was familiar with even in his previous life he was so preoccupied with gaining more power that he had completely ignore such matter.

"Can you inform me more on the matter of my fiancée? I wasn't told about this." Alan said, frowning.

"Ah, right cough! Unfortunately, I can't you'll have to speak with Lady Amelia I was only told to bring you to her." Trisa said apologetically.

"Hmm? I see, well then shall we go?" He asked, while showing a gentle smile. "Yes." Trisa responded cheerfully.
Inside a relatively large parlor filled with various expensive looking furnishers which was currently being use for the place of discussion.

Already sitting inside the room at the head seat was Amelia, with a young girl who seem to be roughly 12 or 13 years old seated elegantly ahead of her, she had long waist length black hair and golden eyes, her clothing was extravagant and wrapped neatly around her body. Two attendants could be seen standing behind her.

"Thank you for coming here on such short notice, Lady Elena." Amelia said bowing her head in a show of politeness.

"Hmph, can we hurry this up, I had to postponed many of my duties to come here." Elena said sulking, it was a remarkably rude way to treat someone of Amelia's status but, Elena was the daughter of the current head of the sun clan.

And when thinking about the current condition of the dragon clan it wouldn't be wrong to say that Elena's status is way higher than Amelia.

"Ahem! I see... My son should be making his way here about now." Amelia said her lips twitching, but just then...


A soft knock came from behind the door. Suzu the maid who had been standing guard at the door opened it once she had received the okay from Amelia.

"Please excuse our intrusion. I have brought the young master." Trisa came walking in and bowed her head to those inside before stepping to the side, making room for Alan to come in.

Once he had made his way inside the room, he carefully observes those inside.

The person who had caught his interest was the young girl sitting before his mother, donning a beautiful gown that reach a little above her knees.

A feather fan clutched tightly in her hand with one leg hanging over the other.

Even though it was concealed fairly well Alan who now had the many years of life experience of Ellard the 'Overlord' ruler of the battlefield, could see the arrogance hidden within her eyes.

"Good day." Alan said lowering his head respectfully.

"Good your finally here, we can now start the meeting." Amelia said smiling brightly at the sight of her son.

Elena looked at Alan's face intently with his long silver hair accompanied with his emerald eyes he truly gave a striking impression.

Alan sat down on a vacant seat next to Elena with a calm expression nothing a kid his age should be making.

"Before that can you explain to me why I'm suddenly engage to this lovely young lady?" Alan asked, still not understanding the situation.

"Oh, right I still haven't explained that to you yet.... well, I guess you can call it tradition. Political engagement is necessary arrangement to strengthen the ties between two families. As you may know with the current situation with our clan, we need to strengthen ourselves with other influential clans." Amelia explained in full seriousness.

She then looked between both Alan and Elena and muttered.

"It was decided long ago that someone from the dragon clan will marry someone from the sun clan and so, you two were chosen to fulfill that role."

"If the engagement is a success, then the ties between our two clans would strengthen greatly." She continued.

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