Royal palace

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Noon the next day a luxurious carriage could be seen making its way towards the castle that stood tall and towered above the capital city.

The carriage had a dragon embroidery on the two sides of the carriage doors easily catching the attention of the commoners.
Of course, unlike the sun clan or the moon clan, the dragon clan wasn't as influential or famous since the death of the former patriarch.

The dragon clan unfortunately, did not have very many achievements under its name since it lost most of its power.

The once powerful clan had completely fallen from grace and had become nothing more than a mere decoration for the kingdom since its lost.

Many people gazed at them without hiding their mockery while some openly ignored them, seeing the treatment they were receiving one of the three members of the dragon clan couldn't help but frown.

"Tsk, the ignorance of these common trash." An elderly man dressed in a white suit couldn't help but voice his displeasure.

"Damn it! If only we still had that man with us, then..." Another elderly man said in a bitter tone.

The two elders from the dragon clan felt greatly insulted as they kept receiving stares filled with either mockery or contempt from the commoners outside.

The sun clan and moon clan handle most of the works to protect the citizens, because of this many of the commoners considered the dragon clan to be worthless since they no longer protect the kingdom like in the past.

The current patriarch of the dragon clan, and the father of the previous head who is also the grandfather of Alan simply closed his eyes as he folded his arm, completely ignoring all the stares they were receiving.
For him things like this were trivial matters and not worth his time much less his reaction.

Soon roughly thirty minutes later, they arrived before the castle gates.

Upon noticing the symbols on the carriage doors, the knights promptly opened the two-sided gates and allow them entry inside the castle grounds.

The carriage continued on its path as it traverses through the beautiful and well-trimmed garden of the castle grounds.

Cole dragon, the owner of short silver colored hair and blue eyes stepped onto the grassy field alongside his two followers from the dragon clan.

One was an elderly man in his late forty with black hair wearing a white suit while the other was a man in his early thirty with long black hair.

Once they arrived before the entrance of the castle they were greeted respectfully by the maids and were leaded by them towards the throne room.

The interior of the castle was beautifully made and well decorated with expensive looking furnishers and embroidery placed here and there.

The walls had various old paintings and eye-catching artworks from artists all around the world.

After ten minutes of walking the group finally stop before a large wooden door and with a soft knock from the maid leading the group the authoritative voice of someone saying "Come in." Sounded from the other side.

The door was then opened with a soft creaking sound. And soon the interior of the throne room greeted them once they made their way inside.

Once Cole and his group made their way towards the throne, they all bowed their heads and knelt down onto one knee reverently.

"Greetings, your majesty." Cole said in a respectful tone.

A rather tall and pudgy man sitting on an extravagant looking throne nodded his head with a slight smile on his face.

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