Spiritual body physique!

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"..." Silence permeated the surroundings as everyone gaze at the lifeless dragon lying on the ground in confusion.

They didn't understand why or how. Alan's spiritual attack was so fast that their eyes failed to notice it.

In actuality, the attack that Alan used moments ago was a powerful attack that solely specialized in targeting the spiritual body, in other words, the soul.

The soul could be said to be the most protected part of the human body. But also, the most vulnerable.

Against attacks that targeted the soul most humans would be helpless, dragons were no different, sure their physical bodies were partially indestructible, however, what about an attack that practically ignored all physical obstructions and focus only on damaging the soul?

Even a dragon would fall!

All existence needs their soul to live after all.

[That attack of yours really is scary, no wonder you were called the overlord.] Akane's voice trembled slightly, the attack Alan used even made her feel uncomfortable, even if only a little.

Spirits are being without physical bodies, and are only spiritual existences, so that attack could be said to be their worst nightmare.

The corners of Alan's mouth twitch slightly as he heard her words. However, he merely shook his head and created two swords made entirely from blood.

Using 'Blood manipulation' One of Akane's specialty. He didn't want to openly expose his 'Blood reaper' Sword out in the opening.

It was far too early to expose one of his greatest weapons right now. 'Like they say, better to be safer than sorry. Only three years and I will be able to summon her out in the open.' He secretly thought.

However, as he was thinking that a loud explosive voice that held not so friendly intentions brought him back from his reverie.

"You! How dare you!" The red dragon roared in fury upon seeing the dead body of the smaller red dragon.

Its eyes shone with a dangerous glint as it opened up its maw and released a flaming hot breath towards Alan.

Alan's gaze upwards as his mask was illuminated slightly by the searing hot flames approaching him and without thinking twice, he leapt high into the air, effectively dodging the hot breath. At the same time the scorching hot flames landed at the spot where he stood mere moments ago.

Now that Alan could no longer use his angelic wings as he lost his divine protection he couldn't move with great efficiency while being in the sky anymore.

However, despite that he had other ways of dealing with the current situation. Alan twisted his body and slash diagonally with his blood swords.

The blade of his sword was clad in spiritual energy, once again easily bypassing all obstructions and cutting the soul of the dragons!

Two dragons drop lifelessly and impacted the ground with a dull thud, creating large craters beneath them!

Alan jumped as he seemingly stepped onto the air, at least from the perspective of those watching from the ground. Alan appears as though he was running midair.

However, in actuality Alan was stepping midair using spiritual energy as a means to create invisible platform as foothold.

And with a wide horizontal slash he decapitated another dragon, cutting off the head of the dragon, or rather the soul.

Cassidy watched on with wide opened eyes as multiple dragons drop like flies one after another with each slash of his blood red sword and couldn't help but furrow her brow in confusion.

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