A proposal, and a rejection!

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Once Cole and Clara had exchanged formal greeting, they decided to go somewhere more appropriate for their discussion as they were still outdoors.

During which, Amelia had tried to dismiss Alan from their meeting as the topic they were about to discuss was rather sensitive and not something someone his age should hear.

However, Alan refused her dismissal and insisted on joining them, he wanted to learn more about the world beyond these walls, so he persists adamantly and thanks to Cole's assistance Amelia reluctantly conceded and Alan was allowed to join in on their meeting.

And thus, they were now inside a rather luxurious meeting room of the dragon clan decorated with various ornaments.

Cole sat at the head seat, while Amelia sat next to him. Seated opposite of them were Alan and Clara who sat on a sofa. Suzu was elegantly preparing black tea for everyone.

During which no one uttered a word as they silently watch her pouring the tea from a small metal container into a small teacup.

As the steam rose high into the air the fragrance of the tea whiffed through the nostrils of those inside, giving the room a soothing atmosphere.

After she was finished with her duties Suzu went towards the door and bowed her head gracefully before stepping out and closing the door behind her. After a moment of silence, it was Clara who decided to break the silence.

"Before I start, do you mind telling me what happened a few days ago on the outskirts of the forest?" Her sharp eyes reflected both Cole and Amelia as she asked.

On her way here she had spotted what seems to be signs of wreckage. The trees were trampled and there were large craters around the surroundings. The vast vegetation of the fields was also particularly ruined.

It was because of this scene why she was so worried on her way here; it was only after she saw Amelia safe and well did her anxious heart finally calm down.

Her emerald, green eyes shone as she awaited their response. After a moment of silence Cole finally spoke.

"Yes, just recently we were attacked by an army of dragons." He explained plainly. His answer however, left Clara stunned as she held her still opened fan that hid her mouth.

"Ehh, you were attacked by an army of dragons?" A dubious look flash across her face for a second as she mimicked his words.

It was well known that the mountainous regions were home to the subspecies of dragons.

Starting from the Wyrm, a serpent type dragon and the Basilisk who were known to be very violent in nature and leading them were the wyvern the strongest dragon subspecies that dwelled inside the forest.

Of course, there were many other dragon subspecies that lived in this world but those were the only kind that has ever been spotted inside the forest. It was currently unknown if there were any other living there.

"... I don't see why you are so surprised, after all dragon attacks were generally very common in this area. There have also been many villages that were wiped out by stray dragons." Cole said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Y-You have a point but, dragons are known to be very wise creatures, aren't they? Why would they attack a kingdom with a strong sturdy defense such as the kingdom of Nahinil?" Clara commented as she closed her feather fan.

The military prowess of the kingdom of Nahinil were known to be very overwhelming. Although the defense of a dragon was very sturdy if the king deemed it necessary, he could always use a secret art to annihilate them in a single attack.

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