Azure flame clan

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As the distant sound of the rattling of the carriage wheels grew closer gathering the attention of the attendants who were attending to the garden of the dragon clan.

"Who is that?" An attendant lady who had been relatively new to the dragon clan and had been cutting the grass suddenly asked, curiously.

Judging by the appearance of the carriage whomever it was, was obviously someone of a really high status. But she didn't recognize the emblem embedded on the side of the carriage.

"Th-That is the emblem of the Azure flame clan!"

"What, really?"

"It's actually someone from the kingdom of Aslis!" Those who had recognize the emblem all paled and promptly lowered their heads in reverence.

The azure flame clan.

Who did not know of one of the great major clans of the kingdom of Aslis.

Their destructive prowess was not inferior to those of the sun clan, in actuality, if the sun clan and the clan of Azure flames were to ever fight each other it was extremely difficult to predict who would come out victorious as they both had their own secret techniques.
A beautiful woman with long waist length inky black hair came running out as she held the hem of her long black gown.

The luxurious golden carriage came to a stop as the door swung opened and an elegant mature black-haired woman who donned a purple gown came stepping out.

"M-Mother, why are you here?" Amelia asked as she panted for breath. The beautiful black-haired woman looked at Amelia lovingly as the feather fan in her hand closed with a small flop.

"Oh, why I am here, that's a strange question to ask. Am I not allowed to see my beloved daughter who had been away from me for so long?" The black-haired woman asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Eh, ah well..." Amelia was left speechless and unable to come up with any response after hearing that. Eventually, tears welled up in her eye as she hugged her mother.

She surrendered to the familial warmth radiating from her clothes as she clung to her mother tightly.

"It's not just me, everyone from the azure flame clan also misses you greatly."

The black-haired woman gently wipes away the tears from Amelia's eyes as she whispers softly.

"Th-They miss me... But he." Amelia's lips trembled as she tried to articulate her words.

"My child, I know you still haven't come to terms with his death but in order for you to move on, you have to let it go."

Amelia didn't respond and just continued to cling onto her mother's body lovingly. In the past she was actually very angry at her mother for forcing her into a political marriage.

Back then the Kingdom of Nahinil and the kingdom of Aslis were hostile to each other because of the animosity between the two kings. Many wars occurred between the two nations on several occasions.

The dragon clan, sun clan and the moon clan would then engage in battle with the clan of Azure flames, the clan of radiant light and the wind clan in bloodied war!

Each clan of the neighboring kingdoms were the greatest form of defense of each kingdom. The azure flame clan were the best in using fire magic, and their flames were extremely special. The radiant light clan was a clan that was proficient in the use of light magic.

Their light magic had wondrous healing even greater than those of the clan of great wave located in the kingdom of Lithonia. The wind clan were the best in the use of wind magic, and were feared for their great speed and mobility.

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