The way of the dragon?

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The meeting between the patriarch of the dragon clan, and the matriarch of the azure flame clan continued smoothly.

However, as the topic of their conversation gradually veered into the direction of the inner work-ins of politics and the political affairs of the neighboring kingdoms Alan eventually lost interest and decided to leave.

The political situation of the neighboring kingdoms didn't interest him after all.

As he walked through the corridors of the dragon clan, he couldn't help but think back to the topic of his mother's political engagement.

If his mother had actually agreed to go along with the engagement then even if he didn't approve of it there wouldn't be anything he could do but, as long as she wished not to marry into the flashing sword clan then he would make sure things wouldn't head into that direction.

'The problem is how am I going to get them to call off the marriage proposal?' Alan frowned, as he was lost in the sea of thoughts.

The one who originally proposed the marriage was the flashing sword clan but, since they have the backing of the black demon oblivion clan the azure flame clan refused to provoke them.

Although Alan wasn't aware of the real strength of the black demon oblivion clan, judging from how stern their expressions were he could fairly guess they were really powerful.

Also... If the azure flame clan, of the most prideful clans in the kingdom of Aslis would rather not provoke them their strength must be truly formidable!

'Not to mentioned he also spoke about a demon sword, didn't he?' Alan's eyes narrowed slightly as he pondered to himself. In the past he had faced a very strong swordsman who wielded a demon sword.

'Are they talking about the same sword? Nah it couldn't be.' He shook his head.

"... I think I should avoid the black demon oblivion clan for the time being... Instead, I should turn my sights onto the flashing sword clan." He mumbled with his hands against his lips.

[I agree~ it's also the perfect opportunity!] Akane's excited voice resounded.
At her words Alan raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about, what opportunity?"

[It's the perfect opportunity for us to grow stronger! If you are going to face the flashing sword clan, please allow me to have a taste of their essence blood!] She replied, cheerfully. Her voice was laced with excitement.

Alan's expression contorted into confusion as he tilted his head, "How would draining their essence blood help us grow stronger?" He inquired in a curious tone.

Although he knew Akane could absorb the blood of all existence, this was the first time he had heard about using that ability to increase their power. The essence blood of an individual is basically their life essence.

The difference between the essence blood and regular blood is that the essence blood was able to absorb the spiritual energy that exists within the soul.

All existence had spiritual energies within them as it is an energy that only exists within the soul, as such the body is overflowing with an abundance of spiritual energy.

This can cause the blood to be affected by the spiritual energy which caused it to mutate and become what is known as "essence blood" as it is connected to spiritual energy, having it directly absorbed is no different from having one's life energy absorbed.

[Umu, if I can get a large quantity of essence blood my recovery will increase drastically!] Akane explained.

"Oh, if that's the case why didn't you mentioned this sooner? I could have hunted bandits inside the forest to use as your nourishment." Alan said grumpily.

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