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"Jung-Jungkook. I -I don't think we should talk about it here." Jimin said looking around and seeing hardly anyone.

But in his mind Jimin was still cared how people will view Jungkook and his friendship. He didn't want people like Jieun to be mean to Jungkook especially because he had a heart of gold.

"What?" Jungkook said scrutinizing Jimin's words.
Suddenly everything made sense. Yoongi had told him that a few days ago he had seen Jimin talking to Jieun. That must be it cause afterwards Jimin excused himself and Jieun was extraordinarily flirting with him. Making Jungkook uncomfortable as even when he tried ignoring her, she was adamant and kept touching his hand, asking for help while batting her eyelashes. Plus she did have a look of victory even if he didn't pay her any attention.

That night Hoseok had told him to be direct and careful with Jieun. Hoseok who usually lets him handle his issues saying it was a sign.

"Jungkook" Jimin's voice brought him back from his thoughts. Jimin was looking at him with concern and worry. "Are you okay?"

"No, let's go and talk sometime Jiminie hyung."
At hearing the words Jiminie hyung, Jimin's resolve broke and guilt filled his conscience. He heard the hurt and worry in Jungkook's voice. How could he still care?

"Mmn" Jimin nodded and they started walking.
"I-I'm sorry" he mumbled avoiding eye contact with Jungkook. "I'm so sorry. I was being stupid."

Jungkook just smiled and looped his hand through Jimin's. "It's okay. Just tell me what was going on in your head?"
Jimin just nodded and they kept walking in silence.

Finally upon reaching Jungkook's apartment. They were met with Hoseok and Yoongi.
"You guys wanna hangout and watch anime? We were just about to choose-"

Yoongi cut Hobi and said with a knowing look at Jimin and Jungkook, "Don't worry about it, you guys go hangout in Jungkook's room."
"And Jimin" he added making Jimin feel smaller than he already was. "It's okay. Just talk to him. He will understand okay?"

Jimin nodded and entered Jungkook's room. It wasn't his first time entering but it felt different, with his action figures, Eminem and F.R.I.E.N.D.S posters. It felt like all of them were judging him for hurting Jungkook and being an idiot.

Just an hour before the Music fest Jimin had poured his heart out to Tae while wailing like a child and Tae had listen patiently without judgement and cuddled him. Telling him to not care what others think and he knows it's different but necessary. Then Tae brought out a pint of ice cream which he called an emotional support food. He stayed with Jimin till he calmed down and then left to go see Yoongi backstage.

Both started to say something at the same time.
"Sorry, continue." Jungkook said, trying to maintain his calm.
"I'm sorry Jungkook. I really am. I know last few days I was being an awful friend to you and pushed everyone away. I don't expect you to understand but I really care about you. It's just- just" Jimin said sniffing.
Jungkook stayed silent waiting for Jimin to continue he didn't want his anger and hurt to come through. He patiently waited and nodded at Jimin to continue.

"It's stupid really, I'm a complete idiot and I know I shouldn't care what people say but it hurts when they say that I'm like a puppy following you or that I'm an attention whore. It's just how I show my affection, I didn't want you or anyone to think that I'm running behind you or making you uncomfortable. So I thought I'll back off and give you space." Jimin said with tears threatening to fall. Hands clutched so tightly by his side that his knuckles were white.

"Jimin... Jiminie hyung." Jungkook's voice softening, he was baffled that people were saying such things worst being that someone said it to Jimin's face, his Jiminie hyung.

Jungkook's heart filled with rage and sadness plus seeing Jimin on the verge of tears had a weird effect on him. He wanted to pull Jimin into his arms had hide him from the world.

Why did all his anger melt away? Why is he relieved that nothings wrong between them? The speech he had planned to give Jimin about friendship suddenly drifted far away from his mind.

"I know I hurt you and somehow you believed that it was something you did but-but how could I tell you that I was hurt by people's words I mean Jieun literally pulled me aside and told me. What was I suppose to do?" Jimin continued pouring his heart out hoping that Jungkook forgives him.

The silence between them was killing Jimin, he wanted to burst into tears as Jungkook was looking at him with a pained expression.

Jungkook takes three strides and covers the short distance between them and hugs Jimin.

"Hyung, I'm not going to lie I was extremely hurt by your actions but I was also scared to lose our friendship. I know I joke around all the time and sometimes ignore you but it's not intentional okay."

Then Jungkook pulls back and wraps arms around Jimin pulls him down to sit on the bed.

"Look, I get it. But I'll tell you a secret my mom always told me whenever I would tell her what happened at school. She use to say, 'Always be true to yourself no matter what. Don't try to fitting in rather know that you belong there. You deserve to be there.' Plus it also helped that I was always aloof from the beginning. My mom always supported me and loved me just as I was. It was never based on how well I did in exams or extra curricular."

Upon hearing that Jimin's resolve broke and all the memories of his father telling him that he's not good enough or comparing him to others made him feel so small and invisible. And he broke into tears unable to hold back his sobs.

Jungkook knew a little about Jimin's strained relationship with his father. As once he had overheard Jimin talking on the phone and Jimin's mood changed dramatically leading him to isolate himself from the party and be lost in his thoughts. Jungkook had tried to make him smile but failed that's when Tae had told him about Jimin's family.

 Jungkook had tried to make him smile but failed that's when Tae had told him about Jimin's family

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