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Finally the weekend, Jimin was waiting for but somehow a particular bunny face with Bambi eyes did not seem to leave his mind. It seemed to haunt him. 'Those damn beautifully innocent doe eyes that holds boundless infinities.' He thought grudgingly.

Today being Saturday, the dorm cafeteria had special breakfast menu which included Jimin's favorite Pajeon (Korean Pancakes with Scallions). He wanted to be excited since it reminded him of his mom's cooking.

All his brain could focus on was one why did Jungkook forget his name and two behave like they met for the first time yesterday.
The sore memory still fresh like a flesh wound refusing to stop bleeding.

In group when Namjoon introduced Jungkook, Jimin noticed an above average height boy with fluffy hair, doe eyes and a pink tint on his cheeks wearing a Levi's blue crew t-Shirt and acid washed denims with white high top air Jordons. He had an shy personality and hardly made eye contact with anyone. It was quick and they barely said hi to each other. Jimin himself was dressed in a casual white button up, light blue jeans and white converse.

He keep replaying it wondering if Jungkook even acknowledged his presence or was preoccupied with something or simply that he had a forgettable face.

Grudgingly Jimin scolded himself for overthinking a "small incident". Dragging himself to Tae's room to wake him up.

Tae excited said," We are having Pajeon today!"
"I know I have been waiting for it since they put up the menu on Wednesday"
" Let's freshen up and get going" Tae said dragging Jimin to the bathrooms.

Finally after finishing their awaited breakfast, Tae and Jimin decided that since they didn't have much assignments this week. They will take the bus to the Han river and then go to the mall.

Bus ride was fun, sharing headphones, talking about classes figuring out which clubs they wanted to join as the auditions were starting Monday. Tae was excited about Theater club and Creative Arts club. Jimin on the other hand wanted to join Student Council, Creative Arts club and Red Cross Society (This jimin was sure would look great on his resume seeing that it's a charity).

Tae telling Jimin about his passion for Theatre, he wanted to try everything if he'd been given the chance. Jimin loved that quality about Tae that he did as his heart pleased. Slowly, Jimin too was starting to open up to Tae.

Reaching Han river, they were mesmerized the serene greenery, the calming blue river and the beautiful skyline

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Reaching Han river, they were mesmerized the serene greenery, the calming blue river and the beautiful skyline.
"Wow, I could spend the whole day here." Jimin wondered aloud.

Tae and Jimin rode bikes along the river, took a boat ride and had a little picnic in park. They grabbed Bibimbap and tteokbokki (Red rice cakes) from a nearby food truck and chatted away enjoying the scenery.

Next part of their day was "Retail Therapy" as Jimin liked to call it. Jimin recalls, anytime his dad or grandmother compared his marks with his cousin and told him that he's not good enough or was having a hard time, Jimin's mother would console him and take him shopping.

"That's sweet of her. My mom would make me yummy food that I was craving or we'd go out for food." Tae chimed in.
"Great. Let's go. Plus we've had a hectic week, every Professor saying how important their class is and grades are as if we don't know. Especially Mr. Yun ( who taught COMD 101 Communication, Media and
Society) what's with the pop quizzes." Jimin grumbled.
"I know right, means we have to study before all his classes." Tae said scoffing.

Reaching the mall, Tae pulled Jimin from shop to shop excited to refresh his wardrobe. Making fun of clothes, trying anything and everything and telling each other honestly what they think of the outfit and what will look best of each other.
"You're so fun to shop with Taetae, I can truly be myself. It's like we are peanut butter and jelly." Jimin said while browsing through the store.
"So true but I think we're more like platonic soulmates Jiminie. I can tell you whatever's on my mind and you won't judge me." Tae said suddenly pulling Jimin into a hug.
Jimin nodded against Taes neck and hugged tighter.

After three hours of shopping Jimin had brought Stan Smith Adidas Original shoes, few t-shirts which he can wear to class and two torn baggy jeans as they were in fashion.
Tae on the other hand had gotten slide on loafers in brown and black, shirts which would you call high fashion and a beige trousers which were definitely 2 sizes larger than him. He liked to call his fashion style as Parisian artist chic.

It was 7 pm and as both their stomachs were grumbling, they decided to go to the food court and grab some food. Walking into the food court, someone called them from behind, " Taehyung, Jimin"

Turning back they saw Hoseok. "Hi Hoseok hyung." Both Tae and Jimin chimed together.
"Nothing had just come with a friend to shop."
As soon as Jimin heard friend he wondered if it is Jungkook.

Then they saw a pale guy about Jimin's height join Hoseok. Tae's eyes lit up seeing the same Junior he met at the meet and greet. "Hi Yoongi."
"Hi Taehyung" Yoongi said with a straight face remembering this kid who randomly had introduced himself.
Tae said pointing to Jimin"This is Jimin, we're in the same course. This is Yoongi, he's a Junior and is studying Communication, Media and Theatre."
"Hi Yoongi. I've heard a lot about your rapping. Wish we could have seen you perform that day at the meet and greet. Hoseok hyung I didn't know you guys are friends." Jimin said.
"Yes we went to high school together and Yoongi hyung and I lived in the same neighborhood . Also you guys can call him hyung too. He just takes time to open up." Hoseok said patting Yoongi's back.
"Nice meeting you Jimin and thank you. Yes, please do call me hyung. Are you both also going to have dinner?" Yoongi said.
"Yes, do you guys wanna join us?" Tae asked excited to have bumped into them at the mall.
"Sure! Our other friends the once you guys met the other day are also joining us. I'll text them to come here directly" Hoseok said walking into the food court.

Jimin could not stop the smile forming hearing that Jungkook was joining them. He tried to reason with himself that he is just curious that's all and secretly hoping that Jungkook turns out to be a cocky asshole so that he can nib his curiosity in the bud.

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