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Waking up groggily Jimin shut the alarm off, seeing it's 7:30am and he had an hour before registration begins.
Walking to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his morning routine.

He bumped into a handsome boy with brown hair covering his eyes who was walking like a zombie emerging from the shared bathroom.
Jimin quickly said," I'm so sorry. Wasn't looking where I was going. Hope you're okay."

The handsome stranger just grunted sleepy and went off. Jimin just chuckled at it and continued walking finding the stranger amusing and weird at the same time. Since all the students on his floor were freshman he was certain that this kid was his age.

By 8am Jimin was dressed in black slacks, navy blue sweater and his new black Nike shoes. Then he looked into the mirror and prepped himself mentally for the day and kept chanting 'you got this'.

Walking into the mess after scanning his ID card to grab something to eat, he was mesmerized by the size of it. It was twice as big as his cafeteria in high school. It had seating indoor as well as outdoor.

He quickly grabbed few pieces of bacon, whole wheat toast and scrambled egg, and proceeded to sit on an empty table.

He decided it's best if he makes friends later on given that there were hardly 10-15 people there, which he didn't even know if they were his batch mates or seniors.

After a few minutes there was a plop next to him which startled Jimin and he yelped a little. Seeing the same handsome stranger from morning Jimin pouted," You startled me."
"I'm sorry. I'm Kim Taehyung. I remembered bumping into you this morning."
"I'm Park Jimin."
"What your major? I'm a Communication Design major."
" OMG same here. I'm so glad that both of us are in the dorms as well. My room no is 1013"
"Awesome. I'm so excited to finally have someone from my major. My room number is 1005. I'm from Daegu."
"Really. I just came last evening so I don't meet anyone else yet. I'm from Busan."

Kim Taehyung, the handsome stranger with big brown eyes and perfectly arched eyebrows, a sharp nose and chiseled jawline which will cut something if it came in contact with it. Beautiful inside out, he was a marvel indeed. From outside prospective one would expect him to be arrogant considering that he is as god gifted in his looks with brains. But a total softie with an out of box thinking, and a happy go lucky attitude.

Both Jimin and Taehyung continued chatting and getting acquainted with each other. It felt so normal and easy like they know each other from before.

Jimin soon noticed that Taehyung made his laugh easily and was a total goofball he was proud to call his friend.

They started walking together towards the administrative building to sign up for classes and get their schedules for the semester. Being batch mates with same major meant sharing classes, doing homework together and a support system to help get through the degree.

Jimin signed, it had taken them around two hours getting their schedules sorted. They had an hour to get to Orientation.
Taehyung suggested," Let's walk around the campus and see where our classes are. Plus the weather is great right?"
"Definitely. I'm so excited. Today we'll meet all the freshman."
"Yes that'll be awesome. Come let's gooo!!" Taehyung says pulling Jimin along.

They passed the auditorium where the orientation was taking place. There was a hug crowd gathered, people cheering and music playing. Jimin got a glimpse of someone dancing and everyone around was mesmerized making him curious.

Taehyung snapped Jimin out of his daze and they kept walking around the campus looking at each building and seeing where what classes are.

Talking came easily to Taehyung, his charming personality could turn a foe into a friend. And Jimin was definitely starting to feel comfortable. They discussed funny anecdotes to Taehyung telling Jimin about the time in high school when he pulled pranks on his teachers and how because he did well in studies so teacher never punished him. They got along like two peas in a pod. Jimin despite being the introvert he is slowly started to open up. Sharing his high school memories where he was more an shy, rule following kid, academy above average and how if he wanted to do something mischievous he would find loop holes in the rules which drove his teachers mad at times.

Eventually it was 10am, time of the orientation. Students shuffled through to get to the auditorium, Jimin and Taehyung just making it in time and getting seats. But the only thing everyone seemed to talking about was a JEON JUNGKOOK. How talented he was, how he could dance as well as sing and how handsome he was. Literally everyone was swooning over him. Jimin and Taehyung looked at each out as to who this guy was who was popular before even the beginning of the semester.

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