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Jimin looked up from his phone to see Jungkook pouting and mumbling something to himself.
"Hey, sorry a classmate of mine texted me to return my notes. I'll go grab it and come. Then we'll continue." Jimin said putting a finger under Jungkook's chin and lifting it.

"It's fine not like I don't want anyone else to get the too attention from you." Jungkook mumbled, luckily Jimin didn't catch that.
"Nothing hyung" Jungkook signed. But he was filled with curiosity as to who Jimin was meeting especially with so much excitement.

Jimin was about to go outside when he heard Jungkook call him. "Why don't I join you? Since I don't have anything else to do."
"Sure. Oh, you know Taemin came from US and was studying in University of California, Berkeley. His dad's a lawyer that's why they moved her. Despite being born and brought up there, he speaks Korean so well and he so sweet. You'll definitely like him."

Jungkook just humed in return. 'Taemin's so great and sweet. Even I'm sweet and nice. Why doesn't Jimin notice that.' He thought to himself.

When they were waiting, Jimin was talking about their class and how Tae had asked Taemin a butt load of questions. Just as Jungkook was about to say something, Jimin saw Taemin walking towards them. He waved at him and flashed his eye smile making Jungkook poke his tongue in his cheek.

Jimin and Taemin exchanged pleasantries and started talking. Jimin introduced Jungkook to Taemin to each other, where anyone who knew Jungkook could tell that he was faking a smile and just being polite. He didn't engage in much conversation.
Jimin just rolled his eyes at this brat, thinking maybe he is being introverted.

Taemin being the charming and charismatic person that he is was making Jimin laugh and telling random stories about his life in US and how life style changes make him embarrass himself.

They kept talking for around half an hour and Jungkook was losing patience. He himself didn't know why he was getting so angsty. Especially seeing Jimin throwing himself on Taemin while laughing.

'They literally met today, how can Jimin become so comfortable with him. He took so long to be close to me.' Jungkook was lost in thought that he missed Taemin bidding goodbye and leaving. Jimin lightly shaking him brought him back.
"Let's go. What were you thinking?" Jimin asked
"Nothing." Jungkook said while his cheeks turned a light shade of pink.
"You're so cute, Jungkookieeeee."
"Me? You're the cute one, Jiminie"  Jungkook said staring into Jimin's eyes.
"No, you are. Now come on you still have to teach me your secret method of studying." Jimin said while pulling Jungkook along by his arm.

Finally they settled down and Jungkook asked Jimin a series of questions on how he studies, if he's under pressure and more focused on marks rather than the exam

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Finally they settled down and Jungkook asked Jimin a series of questions on how he studies, if he's under pressure and more focused on marks rather than the exam.

Jimin honestly answered that he is under tremendous pressure and explained that his dad dispute his good intentions makes him feel unworthy and it cause him to be insecure.

Jungkook felt a pang in his heart after listening to Jimin, he was thankful that his parents are supportive of his dreams and ambitions. He wanted to hug Jimin and keep him in his hold forever. But he resisted himself and just held his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Okay hyung, so the secret is to not care" Jungkook said whispering.
"What? How's that's going to help?" Jimin looked confused.
"Well, first of all don't talk to your dad especially before exams cause you said it triggers your stress. Make sure you don't study under pressure, you won't remember anything. So listen to music while you study and take breaks. If you want call or text me, I'll distract you tell you jokes or listen to you rant. Lastly, don't discuss questions with anyone else before the exam and once it's over."

Jimin just pouted, "Makes sense, but it's easier said than done. Even Tae and my mom keeps telling me to not get so stressed that I end up blanking out."
"I know. That's why I said to take breaks."
"Oh Jungkookie, you're so smart and kind. Thank you."
Jimin said pulling his cheeks.
"Anytime, Jiminshiii" Jungkook said smirking.

They talked more, laughed more, which Jungkook was super proud of himself as he made Jimin laugh more than Taemin. Plus, he loved it when Jimin threw himself at the person beside him when he was laughing wholeheartedly.

Eventually, it was time to leave as it was nearing dinner time. Tae had called Jimin thrice by now saying he was starving.

Reluctantly they parted ways. Lingering outside library asking if either of them forgot anything, Jungkook leaning in to whisper his secret study weapon so that Jimin does not forget.

A blushing Jimin reached the dorm cafeteria where a hangry Tae was waiting outside. Jimin told his bestie everything, and how he found Jungkook a bit weird with Taemin, his secret study weapon and how hilarious he is.

Tae laughed agreeing with Jungkook's method and said that's normal for him, resulting with Jimin showing his tongue at him. Regarding Jungkook's reaction to Taemin he said, "Yoongs told me that Jungkook get jealous when his close friends pay attention to someone else. He really is a child."
"Yoongs?" Jimin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"What? We're good friends."
"Okay, as you say Tae."

Week went by very quickly, Jimin noticed Yoongi coming to their class at times bringing them snacks or drinks cause Tae missed breakfast that day or was feeling hungry and was complaining. Best part was that most of the times he brought Jungkook or Hoseok with him.

Yoongi in his sassy way had to once called out Jungkook saying that someone who insisted on tagging along at a drop of a hat to see 'Jimin' just because he was bored. Jungkook in-turn had savagely replied, "leant form the best hyung (pointing at Yoongi), btw TaeTae really love Honey Twists so much doesn't he?"
Receiving a pat on the head and mumbling yes from Yoongi.

Thought whenever Jungkook visited and he noticed Taemin sitting with Jimin and Tae, he poked his tongue in his cheek. As long as Jimin gave him full attention he was happy.

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