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Frustrated. Annoyed. Vexed. Exasperated. Angry.....

Was all that Jimin felt that night. It had been a week since their classes had started, all was going well. Jimin had made a few casual acquaintances (fearing it's too soon to call them friends) in his classes. Till about 2 days ago where he had the misfortune of being introduced to Jeon Jungkook.

It started as a normal day, Jimin and Tae getting breakfast and then walking to their first class of the day. When Taehyung's friend and a junior from their course Park Seo Joon bumped into them, they exchanged pleasantries. Seo Joon sharing the funny story of how him and Tae became friends. Tae was running late for class despite Jimin trying to wake him up in the morning, saying whiningly."Jiminie, 15 mins more. I'll see you in class.Just go ahead." Tae got up later than intended and getting dressed as quickly as possible, he was now in the building of his first class. Seeing he still had 5 minutes and with his stomach growling he decided to grab coffee and croissant from the wending machine. But luck has it, the damn machine ate all his quarters,seeing Seo Joon come up to the machine Tae warned him that it's not working. Yet when Seo Joon tried, the damn snack machine worked and returned his quarters as well. Infuriated Tae kicked the machine, spilling Seo Joon's coffee. Thoroughly embarrassed, Tae rambled on an apology and showed his innocent boxy smile which melted Seo Joon immediately and rest is history.

Just then Namjoon and Jin were passing by, Seo Joon immediately introduced Jimin and Tae to them. Namjoon then turned and called all his friends to introduce them. It was going great, Jimin and Tae were introduced to all of them even the famous Jungkook except Yoongi who was running late for class. But seeing that they all had only 2 mins to get to their classes it was done in haste.

Finally, in class Jimin pondered," I thought Jungkook will be a lot more taller and more extravagant given his reputation."

"Lol he's taller than you Jiminie. Plus, we don't really know him that well." Tae snickered. Jimin pouting and smacking Tae just as the Professor entered the class.

Finally, it was the end of the day, all classes over. Jimin and Tae desperately needing their caffeine. Walking into the Starbucks on campus, Tae went to grab then a table and Jimin went to place the order. Jimin finished ordering a cafe latte for Tae and a Caramel Macchiato for himself. Turning to go find Tae, he bumped into someone. "Sorry" Jimin said politely. Looking up he recognized Jungkook. who was busy with his phone . "Sorry again for bumping into you Jungkook. How was your day?"

Startled Jungkook, looked up and saw this cute boy in front of him. "No problem." he said, frowning as he tried to recall if they have met before. The lady at the counter interrupted calling next in line. Jungkook gave an awkward smile and left, leaving a flustered Jimin.

"We literally were introduced this morning. How can he not remember? Am I that forgettable? God. And to top it off I even asked him how his day was?" Jimin complained.

"It happens. Maybe he meets lots of people or is bad at names. Oh Jiminie, you're adorable. How can anyone forget meeting you. He must have a lot on his mind." Tae chimed cheering Jimin.

Luckily, Jimin saw reason and didn't let his insecurities get to him. But still this interaction left a sour taste in his mouth about Jungkook.

Which leads us to today, Friday. Jimin was super pumped that it's finally happening, it's the weekend. The week went by fast except a few bumps he was on top of all his homework, made plans with Tae to go and explore the town.

As so as the last class got over Jimin and Tae exchanged looks and rushed out of the class. Laughing and planning to have a sleepover in their dorm room as well well as which movie to watch.

"Hi... Tae and Jimin right?" Hoseok called from behind them.
"Hi Hoseok. What's up?" Tae and Jimin chimed. Finding it surprising that he was alone.
"Good. Just waiting for my friends. What about you guys?"
"We were just going back to our dorm. You're a sophomore right. I remember seeing you dance at the meet and greet after the orientation. It was really awesome. Jiminie and I are in Communication Design. What about you?" Tae gushed.
" Yes I am a sophomore and in Communication, Media and theater. Thank you. I really love dancing. I'm glad you guys enjoyed. I live just outside of the university with a few of my friends. We rented a 3 bedroom apartment and one 1 bedroom apartment on the same floor."
"Awesome that sounds like fun. Both Tae and I are new to Seoul." Jimin said.

Eventually, they were joined by the NamJin couple. Jin giving advice on how to handle academics and a social life. Namjoon stating the importance of clubs and activities. Laughing and getting to know each other. Hoseok telling them which Professor's classes to take and who to avoid.

Jimin was enamored by Namjoon and his intelligence, the way he talked about everything with passion. Especially with the loving way he always paid attention to Jin no matter who's talking to, a hand casually resting on his waist and laughing at ALL of Jin's dad jokes. (All means all, no doubt the man's whipped).

Just then they spot a cluster of people coming their way. "People don't seem to leave him alone. Someone's very popular." Hoseok snickered.
"Huh?" Jimin said frowning his eyebrows.
"Jungkook. Literally everyone wants to be his friend or is flirting with him. He doesn't seem to catch a break."

Finally bidding farewell to his fans Jungkook joins them. He's surprised to see the cute guy again. And it's evident when his doe eyes become more round and a small blush creeps in as he still can't seem to remember his name.
"Hey Jungkook. Finally your admirers left you alone." Jin says.
"Ya. I don't really like the attention and everyone seems to want to talk to me. Please hyung let's just go home. I'm sooo tired."

Jimin is awkwardly standing there fiddling with his water bottle, not daring to meet Jungkook's eyes. He does not want to embarrass himself so he just stays silent.
Tae being the extroverted guy he is chimes in," Totally get that. This girl in my class Jieun and her friends talk about you non stop."
"Please don't start umm....?" Jungkook starts and then looks between Tae and Jimin.
" Kim Taehyung"
Jungkook keeps looking at Jimin waiting for him to introduce himself.
After a few minutes of awkward silence Jimin scoffs reluctantly answering "Park Jimin. Nice to meet you again."
"Nice to meet you!" Jungkook says with a bunny smile. The conversation is diverted as Jin cracks another dad joke about his a freshman year and how he's glad that he'll graduate by the end of this year.
Jimin wasn't paying attention to anything being said he was still reeling in the fact that this is their third meeting and this guy Jungkook does not even have the decency to apologize for not remembering them and acknowledging bumping into Jimin a few days back. Jungkook was behaving like they met for the first time.

Suddenly, Tae nudged him," Give him your bottle."
"Sure" Jimin said not sure which him. When the him turned out to be Jungkook he hesitated. But Jungkook just took the bottle, drank water and returned it so nonchalantly that Jimin was now irked.
He didn't even notice Jungkook soft smile towards him.

Finally bidding then all goodbye, Jimin's mood had gone from happy to sour. All he felt was anger.

'I mean he didn't even thank me! Can't remember me name or meeting me. Or even if he did he didn't acknowledge it. God him and his stupid bunny smile. What's so attractive about him? So what he sings and dances?' Jimin kept pondering and overthinking the situation ruining his mood.

Even if after their first meeting Jimin felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach at the soft doe eyed handsome boy who gave him a shy bunny smile. He refused to admit that he found Jungkook attractive.

Dear Readers,
Hope you are enjoying this fanfic till now.
Whom should I pair Tae with Hoseok or Yoongi?
Please let me know.
Thank you for reading. 💜

An Unknown Feeling ( A JIKOOK FF)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα