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Three And A Half Year Later..

You know what is funny, when life make you suffer and then give you a 'tiny' chance of hope and then boom, life erase that hope in instant.

It's been three weeks since what he did to me in that room with the corpses and from that day he is treating me like I'm some precious thing.

He let me enjoy my time with my brother, feed me three times a day and he didn't hurt me "yet".

It's like "calm before strom" I get to wear full clothes and day by day I'm getting better.

I know i shouldn't enjoy this but i don't want to miss anything before worse time come for me because I know Jimin is planning something.


Somedays later my routine is same play with my brother and then feed him as much as possible and make him healthy.

Then suddenly I feel someone behind me, i tried to turn but i feel his/her breath on my neck, i freez in fear.

"Did you missed me, little bird?" My hope break here in billion pieces when i hear Alex voice, i didn't dare to turn or answer him, my body start shivering in fear, tears start filling my eyes.

In first encounter he cut my two fingers, he is worst then Park Jimin, suddenly he grab me by my hair and yank my head back and I met his sinister eyes.

"Maybe Jimin fucked you well and didn't let you missed me" he said in mock tone "don't hurt my sister you monster" my brothers said in little voice, my body tensed in utter fear.

Alex threw me on the floor and stalked towards my brother, I grab his leg "Sir p-please he is little h-he don't know what should say or what shouldn't, please forgive him, sir i beg you" I beg him.

Alex jerk his leg free and step on my hand, i wimper in pain "next time I will cut him into pieces, fucking piece of shit" he threaten and let my hand go.

I cradle my now bruised hand, someone else come in the room, i look up and saw Jimin "you already start playing with her, wait till you take her with you, Alex, bcoz you know wait give you sweet little things" i freeze hearing him.

"You enjoy sometime with other whores I'll send her to you when she is ready" he said and come towards me, i bow my head down "do it fast I'm leaving tomorrow in the morning" Alex said then left us.

Jimin knell in front of me, came face to face, he grab me by my hair and bring my face near his "look at me" he order.

My eyes well up with tears and look him in the eyes "Alex signed a pact and in exchange he want you, so you are going to stay with Alex for one year and you will do everything he tell you to do like i taught you, if he want you to suck him then suck him, if he told you ride his dick then ride it, i don't care and if he didn't look satisfied then your brother will pay for that and you don't want that, do you little doll?" He asked in threatening voice.

Tears running down on my face "no master" I said "good girl" he said and pet my head like he is petting a dog, he stand up then took out a injection from his pocket, I look at my brother and mouth 'i love you' to him.

Jimin inject me in the neck, I fell on my side with blurry eyes "take her to the verginia room" I hear him and lost my consciousness.


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