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Some unexpected things are good and some are bad.

My becoming a mafia king at age of 23 was also unexpected because after the death of my parents, I was next in the line.

I was never going to join the mafia after my dad, but a betrayal changed everything.

I was in California studying in Standford University for my engineering and technology degree when I came to know about the death of my parents.

My parents saved my baby sister who was just 3 year old that time, they hide her in the safe room but couldn't hide their self, they gave up their life for us.

I still remember my father always used to say:

"You are the king in your head,
The Anexiety,
The Insecurity,
They are all just Voices Jungkook,
So go show the World, show them why you are The KING.
Go Be The KING."

this to me whenever he asked me to become the next mafia king.

Today I know why my father said this to me, world is cruel, full of dangerous people, They destroy innocent people and tear their innocence into pieces.

If you want to live in this world then you will have to become like them and show that we can destroy them too without monstrous but with kindness but what can i say because i am known as the DIAVOLO myself.

I rased my baby sister, took her school, teach her about menstruation, initially she started calling me papa, but I explained that papa has gone to god for our protection and I am her elder brother.

I don't want to take place of my father, I showed her photos of our parents and she started understanding everything.

Now I'm waiting for her private jet to land on our private airport, it's been three months since i left her on the  safe house for her safety and i know she is going taunt me for this my whole life.

And i'm going to take every taunt from her happily, at home everyone is waiting for her because she is princess of my kingdom.

They always spoil her, they can't stand her sad expression. She wrapped them all in her little fingers.

In simple word she is our world.


My Jet landed successfully and our princess is sleeping like a monkey, she is very heavy sleeper.

I took her in my arms and took her to my car laid her on the back seat carefully and told the driver to drive without bumping.

We drove to mansion in peace and i send massage to my family for not to make any sound.

They were disappointed but i told them that Sofia is having jet leg so she is sleeping and she is not going to wake up till morning.

So they diside to suprise her in the morning, Sofia is copy of my mom The Jeon Bianca, her hair, eyes, nose are same like our mom.

I'm mixture of both of my parents The Jeon Luciano and The Jeon Bianca, in childhood my friends called Sofia the Little Bianca and Sofia got irritate everytime and come to me for complain, i have to fake scold all the member for her and they apologize to her in baby voice and forgive them.

We reached mansion and i took my princess to her princess room and tucked her in bed.

After tucking her in, I was about to go to my room when I saw that Y/n is outside alone.

I walk to her and sat beside her, she didn't notice me yet.

So i said in calm voice so that she doesn't get scared "now the weather is starting to get cold, you shouldn't sit outside for too long otherwise you will get sick y/n" she still flinched

I sigh and make her wear my jacket so she doesn't get cold, she wear my jacket without any protest but didn't said anything.

"What's bothering you y/n? You know you can tell me and i won't judge, even I won't tell anyone if it's a secret." I tell her in hush and funny voice so she can laugh but she did nothing, now I can feel it's serious whatever bothering her.

"Did anyone in the mansion said anything to you or did any guard do anything?" I ask her my body goes on guard mode immediately.

"No one did anything and no one said anything Jungkook so calm down please" she said in calm voice and i sigh again.

"In the last five years I had forgotten what clean air is like, because he always kept me in the basement all the time or in some room where I didn't know what the weather was like, what time it is, was it night or day, i didn't know anything" she said in cracked voice, i squeeze her shoulder, so she knows I'm with her.

I listen her without saying anything, she turn towards me "i thing it's time i should tell you everything from the start because i know you want to know about me too, how did I come here in Italy from Korea? I remember you Jungkook when you came in my school for lecture, when I see you first i know, i saw you somewhere and I remembered today that I saw you in my school" she told me.

I grab her hand in my "There is no rush y/n, you don't have to tell me if its hurting you or bringing you bad membories, i can wait for you as much as you want, i don't want to force you because I know how it feels when we force someone to say something they don't want to say, so it's ok with me i can wait" i told her with smile.

"I'm glad you remember me, I thought you might have forgotten me, i still remember how clumsy you were, you collided with me so hard that you made me fall along with you" i laugh and she too laugh

She pushed my shoulder with her "i didn't collide with you on purpose, one of my classmate pushed me on you in purpose, they were forcing me for getting your number and when i denied, so they pushed me on you" she said with cute pout.

I laugh at her and she turn in other direction with adorable face "ok I'm sorry my majesty it's my fault, now happy or should i touch your feet for apologize" i tease her

She turn towards me so fast "no, no it's ok i forgive you Jungkook you don't have to touch my feet" she said in hurry

We stare each other for a minute than she look away "I'm glad i made you laugh tesero, i want to you to never let anyone stole your happiness from you and never let anyone stole that spirit you have, I'm going to always protect you it's my promise to you y/n and I never back away from my words and you can tell me about yourself when you are completely ready, i don't want you to break hm?" I told her and she nod head her glassy eyes.

"I swear I'm ready Jungkook, I am suffocating myself by capturing all this to myself, I had no one I could share my pain, please let me share with you I'm not forcing myself" she said desperately.

I squeeze her hands in comfort "ok, do you want to tell me here or in my office, so that no one disturbs us" i ask her

She exhale deeply and look me "let's go to your office but i don't want anyone else there please" i nod and prepare myself for what's coming next from her........


Hi my lovely readers..😉
I hope you all doing good..🤗

Are you ready for her story? if you are, so prepare yourself for emotional rollercoaster cause it's going to be very emotional and messy..🙂

Everything that has happened in the last five years are going to come in next few chapters....😏

And don't forget to vote for me..
Love you stay healthy and happy...💜💋

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