13. Maya threw hot coffee on Aadhya

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Author's Pov

You were early today, as Rudra had an important meeting. Rudra tried to talk to you about what happened later.. but you just cut him off by saying It was ok.. and then you ignored him again.

You were feeling angry.. angry at yourself on why you were acting strange. You entered your floor and saw Maya.. you ignored her and went past her as you heard her groan.

"Excuse me miss 'i am sorry to interrupt sir" she mocked on what you saw earlier in the office. You turned towards her as she took steps towards you..

"leave my Rudra alone. What is even going on between you both? Huh? Don't even think that he will fall for your cheap actions. You are just an attention seeker" She said smirking while you just silently stood facing her.

"You are acting as if you have just grown! And please ma'am stay away from a married man. You look like an attention seeker here not me. I mean you are an attention seeker and who knows how many families you have broken by seducing a married man" you smirked looking at her angry, embarrassed face.

"You bitch.. just wait and see.." She stomped and left. Your smile fell as soon as she left. "god! Why the fuck am I feeling like this? What the heck are you doing to me Rudra!" You grumbled before going towards your desk with an annoyed look on your face.

You were denying that you didn't feel anything for him.. but in fact you started liking his presence.. his nature and the way he talks with you.

You loved how he wouldn't force you to do anything and always listened to whatever you say. You thought he would abuse you but the total opposite was happening.

You wanted a reason to hate him but he was making it tough. There was no reason to hate him at all except the reason that he blackmailed you and forcefully married you.

Time skip••••

It was lunch break. Your favourite time! You quickly got up as Lela, Vijay and Veer quickly joined you. You all ordered your food as you turned around to see Maya.. she was smirking.

"I told you.. you would regret it!" She mumbled and threw a hot coffee on you. You quickly turned your face around as the hot boiling coffee fell on your neck and chest making you gasp in pain.

Veer quickly came towards you and took his water bottle before pouring cold water on your burned area. Tears welled up in your eyes as a few tears left your eyes due to immense burning.

"Shh calm down.. let's go to hospital" Veer said and just then she was pulled away from his grip.

Rudra's Pov

"Thank you Mr. Rajveer. Thank you for investing in my company. It was a huge success because of you" I heard Gopal my business partner say.

I went till down to bid him goodbye.. because he was old and my father's friend too. He had helped us a lot so this is the least I could do.

It was lunch hour so I thought of seeing Aadhya. From far ofcourse! As soon as I entered her floor the employees looked at me with wide eyes as they wished me.

I don't know why they were afraid of me. Aaryan used to say that they fear me.. well it's good but this is too much!

The place suddenly became silent as I took my steps towards the cafeteria. She loved being in cafeteria. I used to look at her on CCTV..

I ain't stalker but I was just looking after her. She make me worry about her! I saw how she and a guy named Veer were so close.

They laugh, and sometimes hug eachother.. she never once laughed at me like that nor hugged me. Yes I am jealous! I came to the cafeteria and looked around.

My eyes shined as I spotted Aadhya with her teammates. She was laughing and talking. She turned and then my eyes landed on Maya. What was she doing here?

Wasn't she supposed to complete the work I gave her? Just then my eyes darkened as she threw something over Aadhya.

I looked at Aadhya as tears left her eyes.. she threw something hot? I quickly marched towards them as I saw Veer pouring water on her burned area.

Her neck looked red from such a distance. I gently held her arm and pulled her towards me. I clenched my jaw as I could see blisters on her neck.

I looked at her as she had tears on her eyes. More tears left her eyes as I gently kissed her forehead.

Aadhya's pov

I don't know why, but after seeing him it made me cry more. I instantly felt calm as he gently kissed my forehead. I saw how his jaw was clenched in anger..

his eyes red as he turned to look at Maya.. he took quick steps towards her as my heartbeat quickened. A squeal left her mouth as Rudra held her neck..

I could see that it was a tight grip and in no time her face became red. "How dare you?" Rudra yelled making everyone in the room flinch. His piercing eyes looked dangerously at Maya.

"You've crossed your damn line," he hissed, his gravelly voice sent shivers down everyone's spine. "You will pay for the pain you've caused to my wife. You've invoked the wrath of the wrong man." Rudra roared as Maya flinched.

I could see her trembling as gasps left everyone's mouth as soon as those words left his mouth. "Now you will face the consequences for your actions" he yelled and left her with a jerk which made her fall down on the floor.

He looked at a man and signalled him as he came towards Maya.. she quickly came towards me as she held my hands..

"Aadhya.. please.. I am sorry.. please.. I didn't know you were sir's wife.. Aah!" She let out a high pitch scream as the guy held her arm and dragged her out.

Her screams could be heard till he took her out and then silence enveloped the whole floor.. the burning sensation had reduced a bit now...

I saw Rudra come towards me as he placed his palm on my back and pulled me closer to his embrace.

"No one ever dares to hurt my wife.. I repeat no-one! If I see tears in her eyes again then you all will be dead?" He gritted his teeth in anger before taking me towards the elevator.

He pressed the basement floor. He wasn't saying anything and I was just looking down not knowing what to say..

I was remembering how angry he was as a small genuine smile crept on my face.. we reached the basement as he took me towards his car, opening the door.

I looked at him as he was staring at me.. it was like he would eat me alive if I told him that I could open the door myself.

So I silently sat inside as he sat beside me. He started driving and I didn't know where he was taking me..

"where are we going?" I questioned breaking the silence.. "to the doctor ofcourse! You are hurt" he said as sadness was in his voice.

A/N: she finally let him open the door for her! Haha <3
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