Reina nods again, feeling lonely than ever. She stopped herself from jumping for him and in the end he leaves her.

Aegon notices the change of her face. "Your trial is tomorrow. " he announces her, turning towards the door.

"Aegon, please. Do not leave me. It may be my last night alive" she says, making him stop in his tracks.

'It may be my last night alive.', her words struck him like an arrow in his chest. In his heart.

"Why did you do it?" he asks.

"Did what?" she asks.

"Burned down your home. Tried to kill yourself. I do not know! How about 'Why did you even marry me?'" he shouts, making her feel awful about everything she has done. She regrets every one of them, but the fact that she married him. No, she does not.

She loves him, more than herself. More than anything on this earth.

"Can I see Aelon? One last time?" she whispers, looking down at the floor.
Aegon nods and slams the door of her chambers. Later, a maid comes in the room, holding her baby in her arms. The woman hands Reina the little boy and a piece of paper. A message from the Prince.

"Thank you." she kisses Aelon's head and squeezes him to her chest, breathing in his sweet scent.

She unfolds the letter and reads the words written on it, 'I will see you at your trial, tomorrow. I will do what I can.' Her heart breaks and right in that moment she realizes that this indeed will be her last night alive.

She lays the baby on the warm mattress, and sits next to him beginning to cry. She is glad that she had the chance to see him again and to see her husband again. Even though, he made it pretty clear how he feels towards her.

She doubted his love for her after she came back with Sunfyre, but now, everything was clear. He does not love her anymore. Did he even love her at all?

Reina puts her head on the pillow, pulling her son close to her body, waiting for him to fall asleep.

She falls asleep soon after and dreams of a life where everything is normal. Where she is finally happy.


Reina's hands tremble as she stands in the middle of the throne room, people looking at her with either anger or pity. She looks around, seeing her mother-in-law looking back at her. Alicent smiles and nods, reassuring the girl.

Her eyes meets Helaena's, which bump is bigger now. The Targaryen woman smiles at her. While Aemond looks disinterested about the whole situation.

And finally her eyes set on Aegon. The only person she has eyes for. Tears begin to form in her green eyes and she quickly looks away, trying to appear strong in front of him and in front of everybody.

She feels the stares from the lords and ladies. She knows that most of them despise her for what she did, even though they do not know the reason she burned down that city.

"We are gathered her to decide the fate of Lady Reina Tyrell-" Otto begins his speech, but the King stops him, standing up from his Iron Throne.

"Princess Reina Tyrell." he corrects his Hand, earning huffs of annoyance and protests from the people that surround them.

"She did something bad. Something unforgivable by many, it seems. But not by me. And I believe that she had a reason for burning down a whole city to the ground, a place she once called home." Viserys continues his speech, nodding towards Reina.

"Dear daughter, you may talk." he smiles, sitting down on the throne again.

"As you may know, my father sold me to another man before I married Prince Aegon. He did not care about my life nor about what may happen to me. He did it for gold. My mother tried to stop him, Lady Lenora Tyrell died days after my betrothal to Lord Larys Strong was annnouced." she breathes out, everyone listening to her every word carefully. Alicent watches intriguing, confused about the whole story.

"We want a reason-" Otto says, but his daughter, Queen Alicent, stops him.

"Let her talk."

Reina nods, thanking her mother-in-law silently, "When I entered the room she died in, my father informed me that she was ill. But the shattered glass from under her bed said otherwise. I have always knew that she did not die from an illness that seemed to appear out of nowhere, over the night. She was murdered. Poisoned by her kin."

"Lies!" Larys seethes with rage and yells from his seat, Lord Jason Lannister agreeing with his words.

"Do you have any proof?" the Hightower Lord asks, raising an eyebrow at Reina's confession.

"I do. Although, I ripped some of them out of anger and pain. I have a letter, one that Larys Strong lost when he visited my chambers while I was sleeping, after my labours." she pulls out the crumbled piece of paper.

"What was I even doing in your rooms?" Larys shouts, feeling scared for his life.

"That I do not know, but my husband left to tend to our son and when he came back, he found the door open and a letter addressed to you under my bed."

"Lying who-" the Strong lord begins to shout, but the King stops him.

"Continue." he nods.

"I will hand this letter to you, Your Grace. To read the message." she takes a step closer to the King, giving him the item.

Viserys inspects the paper before reading the words out loud. Gasps and protests are heard shortly after, in the whole room.

Larys stands up and makes his way through the crowd, managing to slip out of the doors.

The King stands up and says, "I have decided, Princess Reina Tyrell will not be punished for what she did."

Some people erupts in cheers, some yells, not agreeing with his decision. Alicent smiles at her husband and she grips Aegon's hand. Her son's eyes fill with tears and he wants to take a step closer towards his wife. He wishes to talk with her, to tell her how bad he feels for leaving her alone last night, broken and scared. He wants to apologies for the way he acted and to tell her how much he loves her, how much she means to him. But the King interrupts him.

"Where is Lord Larys Strong?" he asks, looking in the crowd.

"He ran, Your Grace. That coward ran!" a woman yells.

"Find him." he orders some guards who quickly leave the room.

"The meeting has ended. You may return to your homes." Viserys says.

Reina looks happy, more than she had ever been. She looks over at Aegon with tears in her eyes. Helaena comes and hugs her, squeezing her hands, following by Aemond, who pats his sister-in-law on the shoulder. Reina smiles at both of them and nods her head, thanking them for their support.

When she looks back towards the place Aegon stood, she finds no one. She sighs and leaves the throne room, not going to their chambers, but walking to her son instead.


Meanwhile, Aegon sits on their bed which had been empty without her for the past weeks. He wipes away his tears, waiting for her to enter the room. He will do whatever it takes to make her forgive him, he would fall down to his knees in front of her and beg for her forgiveness.


Reina steps into Aelon's nursery and smiles when she sees the baby sleeping peacefully in the cradle. She bends over, kissing his forehead.

Suddenly, she stops. She freezes when she feels the blade of a dagger touching her throat.

She tries to move, but the person yanks her by her hair. Her breathing is heavy and her heart beats rapidly.

"You whore." the familiar voice makes her eyes widen.

A/N : I think we all know who that unknown person issss.

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