His father is angry with him, his mother also get disappointed from him due to misbehaving from his brother-in-law. And the great act of his that he shouts on his brother-in-law just because he is not ready to listen him.

Is he really have rights to shout on him ?

Do taehyung have any urgency to heard him ?

No they have nothing between them, that taehyung should listen to him.

Therefore, he properly asked apology from him whenever they again Meet with each other.


Yoongi makes his way towards his house gym. He usually exhaust himself physically to release his frustration. So, he will going to do the same.

After toring his expensive formal white shirt, he put his phone and watch on table. Then went to gym equipment.

Starting with dumble for weight lifting and squats, then he start to stretch his shoulder and chest muscles with the help of cabel machines. Lastly, he choose punching bag to release his frustration.

When he was put his gloves, he got call from caller ID 'Love' , he swipe up call icon and put his phone on speaker. Then went to punching bag to continue his unfinished exercise.

" Hey baby. What's up ? " other side of phone sounded like a chirping voice.

" I am fine darling. How's your day ? " yoongi's lips form a small smile to talk with his love, meanwhile his face and whole body just showing anger whenever he hardly hit punching bag.

" Day is really boring without you " he whined.

" That's creep " yoongi hated to being so lovely and dovey which jimin just try to being.

" Okay fine. It's really exhausted. Director gives number of costume list for upcoming performance. Just working on it " yoongi hummed in response.

" Yoonie are you working out this late ? " jimin asked in concern. Though he already guess it due to yoongi's growling voice and punching sound from phone.

" Yeah, didn't find myself sleeping so just distract myself by doing some exercise " he still sounded angry.

Jimin decide to not say anything further. He knew that yoongi only did late night exercise to release his frustration.

Maybe he feel stressed due to his family problems. So he asked about it.

" Yoon how's your family ?And your b....brother in ...law ? do you meet him ? " his words aren't able to form due to fear of being caught if any of his family members ask him why he wasn't came on his own wedding.

It is really hard for him to send yoongi away from him. He cried for hours in his arms and requested to not go to his family by giving excuses that he will be left alone. But yoongi somehow able to convinced him saying that he can't leave his family suffer. They loss their one support, so he want to give them support in their harsh time.

From that time, he lived in a fear of being caught. He is scared that yoongi surely leave him due to his past deeds which leads to suffer yoongi's family.

" Appa is still angry with me due to our years ago fight for my passion " jimin gulp hardly.

Yoongi is so innocent to thought that his father is angry on him because he fight from him for his passion. But the reality is totally different from this.

Jonghyun was accepted his career of an artist long time ago, he was even ready to support him. He mentioned everything in the Letter which he send to yoongi with taehyung's wedding proposal, which he tore badly in fear of yoongi's loss.

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