No Words Needed

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(One-shot based on that short teaser. We have no clue what the angst in the teaser is about, so these are not canon events. Just a little something that came to my mind. Enjoy.)

Time was an enemy amongst lovers. Waiting for calls at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, where she was versus the 8 a.m time zone, where Spencer lived, was misery. But they made it work.

The simple, "How was your day?"made all the difference, coming from his soothing tone. She'd share with him the new skills she learned from her internship. Also, detailing fun sights she visited during her free time. Other times, she listened intently to Spencer explain how the team managed during their off-season, as he worked hard to get them ready for next season.

Laughing over some of the dumb stunts pulled by Jordan during the team's morning workouts, like interjecting into their moments to tease Spencer and Olivia on how lovesick they were. There was never a dull moment.

Usually, Olivia heard Spencer hold back a yawn or two, desperately in need of a nap that they both knew he'd skip.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead." He taunted regularly during his early morning calls after Olivia lectured him on his unhealthy 5 a.m morning routines.

"You should be resting more." She stressed, worried that he wasn't getting enough rest in her absence. A line that led to him making a corny, yet romantic one liner like, "Hearing you talk is all the rest I need."

Earning a smile from her end of the phone in response to his corny comebacks, Spencer won their trival debates. They promised to call each other before Olivia's day ended, which usually meant around 1 or 2 in the afternoon in Spencer's time zone.

Their short calls never ended without a heartfelt, "I love you," from both ends of their calls.

In dire times of needing to speak, they shared quick text messages over the phone.

Each morning, Olivia's phone buzzed with, "Good morning, beautiful."

And every morning, Spencer knew to expect a simple, "Night, love you."

And, during their respective days, they spammed each other with random thoughts.

"Give Patience a hug and kiss for me."

"I think I have a new favorite tea."

"The food out here is too good, I think I'm getting fat."

"I increased my bench press."

"Dillion says to send pictures. He misses his muse."

"I'm feeling a little homesick. Can you Skype?"

"I think our moms packed a whole emergency bunker in your care package."

"The weather out here is straight out of the movie."

"Coach is kicking my ass with this new training regime."

"I think I'm going to cut my hair. Which is better shoulder length or to the ear?"

"Cali sucks without you."

"How's my future little goddaughter, by the way?"

"Only one and a half months to go!"

It wasn't perfect, but it kept their days going and helped them stay sane in the absence of their other halves.


Then things came crashing down with one simple call.

"They only offer this opportunity to a handful of interns. I wouldn't stay if I did not think it was worthwhile." Olivia justified her decision to stay in London. "It's only for a few extra months."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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