Need A Resolution Pt. 1

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Mid-morning air crept through the room, disturbing a slumbering Olivia. Tossing from one side of her small frame to the other, Olivia habitually reached her hand out to seek comfort in a familiar warm embrace.

Sliding down the cold bed sheets, Olivia slowly opened her eyes, momentarily surprised to find the spot unoccupied. Sighing heavily, Liv rubbed her eyes, mentally awakening herself to the sad remembrance that she'd slept alone these last few weeks.

A frown dawned on Liv's face as she mentally the morning she'd awaken to a certain bright smile or a sloppy morning kiss. Biting her bottom lip, Olivia wished she'd taken more time to commemorate those sweet moments to memory. But how could she have anticipated there would be a duration she'd have to go without creating new moments?

Sure, this was one of the multiple days she spent without him since their huge blowout. However, today was different. The pain that Olivia carried since the night they declared space was both their best interest had grown. And the days slower turned to weeks and the weeks were starting to feel like an eternity without him.

Shaking her head in frustration, Olivia could no longer bare the strain. Grabbing her phone Olivia, opened her message inboxes, scrolling to the contact she desire to see.

Hubby. ❤

Smiling brokenly, Olivia dragged her fingers over the keyboard, overthinking her next move.

Can we talk......

She began to type only to retreat.

I miss you...

She attempted to communicate only to chicken out again and delete the message.

Huffing in contempt, Liv tossed her cell onto her red bedding, giving up all hope of building the courage to face her problematic relationship status. Forcing herself out of bed, Olivia groaned unhappily starting her day without seeing the one person she ached for.

"A party, huh?" Jordan coughed up, once J.J and Asher departed from the room. "That's what's it come to?"

"I don't know what you mean." Spencer shrugged off in denial, sipping from his O.J. "I thought it'd be cool if we were all together for the holiday. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, Spence," Jordan assured his best friend. "But this is me you are talking to, man. And we both know the real reason you are down for this party. It's Liv, right?" Jordan guessed, concerned for both his friend and twin sister. "I haven't seen her around much. Not with you, that is. Are you guys still fighting?"

"I don't even know anymore," Spencer confessed. "This giving space thing is starting to more and more like a breakup. And I hate it."

"And Liv?" Jordan questioned already knowing his twin's tendency of dodging conflict. It wasn't something Liv did out of malice, but more so, out of habit.

This way she evaded getting hurt or hurting others. But the bad thing about this method was that the more Olivia ran from her impending problems the worse the fallout. The whole process was a work in progress when it came to old habits dying hard.

"I know you're upset, Spence. And you have every right to be." Jordan rationalized "But you know how Liv gets when she gets a gut feeling about stuff. She sees it out through to the end."

"It ain't about her article or any crap she might know about Coach," Spencer argued, fed up with trying to put himself inside Olivia's shoes. "She won't let me in. No matter how many times I got her back or tried to show her I can handle whatever problem she has --- she won't listen."

"Maybe both of y'all need to listen more." Jordan shrugged. "Cuz all the things you're saying sound a lot like her these last few weeks.  Stuck in your ways. Won't listen to her no matter what she says."

Spencer gave him a stubborn expression that easily read 'not helping'.

Throwing his hands in surrender, Jordan shrugged off Spencer's stubbornness. "All I'm is the both of y'all sound like a match made in heaven. Two stubborn mules, no middle ground. Just something to think about.

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