Play Your Position: Do Better

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"I thought I'd find you here," Spencer mumbled, striding into the living room of the beach house, finding Alicia gathering a box her the last items she left behind.

"I'm done getting my stuff. I was just leaving." Alicia sneered, stomping over to where she left her purse on the sofa.

"Wait, I think we should talk," Spencer suggested, discontented with leaving things between them unfinished.

"I saw you and Olivia on stage. Trust me, I got the message loud and clear." Alicia grumbled, swinging the strap of her bag, over her shoulder.

"I didn't know you planned on coming to the fashion show. Especially since you went AWOL yesterday." Spencer responded indifferently, "I figured you were done with me."

"Is this the part where you say, you regret the kiss? Or that the kiss doesn't mean anything to you. Or will you jump to, it's not me, it's you?" Alicia crooned, scowling ad Spencer.

"No, I wasn't going to say any of that. But since you asked, I do not regret the kiss with Olivia. It did mean something to me. And it is me, and not you." Spencer summed up for her. "I am in love with someone else. I apologize for not admitting it sooner."

"Don't be sorry." Alicia wailed. "I am a big girl who can admit when I made a mistake. I never should have invested my time into someone who still had his time invested in someone else. You told me what was up when we first started to hang out. But you were wrong for leading me to believe you were serious about us. Had you manned up instead of denying your feelings, it would have saved us both some time." She scolded Spencer with a tight jawline as her hands clutched the box tighter.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Spencer coaxed. "Things between Olivia and I are..."

"I don't want to hear how your ex-girlfriend is better for you than I am, Spencer," Alicia grumbled before could explain his perpersptuve. "You wanted to be a free agent so bad. Now you are. Olivia can have you, I'm done." She asserted, swerving around Spencer on her way to the front door.

"I hope you find someone who makes you happy." Spencer forced out before she reached the door knob.

"And I hope that you get things right with Olivia this time around," Alicia responded her back still to him. "Otherwise all this pain I went through, and the constant contradiction you put Olivia through, and all the guilt you built from your denial will be for nothing." She concluded, finally opening the door and leaving the beach house without looking back.

Listening to the door shut behind her, Spencer began to do some self-reflection. Sighing, he contemplated how he let things get so messy between himself and these young women. Alicia was a good girl, but it was clear from the beginning that she was the woman for him. Olivia always was it for.

How had he been so dumb as to deny his feelings for Olivia for so long? She deserved better than between them small moments in life.

Whipping out his cell phone, Spencer entered his message box for Kia's contact.

I need you to do something for me. Keep Olivia out of the house for a little while longer.

Already on a mission to get her two friends back to where they belonged, Kia's response was short and sweet.

Say less.


After being dragged out to a late-night dinner and game of bowling, Olivia was relieved when Kia finally dropped her off at home. As much as she loved their girl's night out, today seemed to be never-ending, so when she unlocked the door to her family home and walked into all the lights out, she thought her night was finally at an end.

Only once she passed the staircase, did she find the living room and kitchen bar area lit dimly by candlelight. Rose petals laid at her feet trailing around the kitchen to the path to the family room.

Her lips curled at the sight of Spencer standing between the coach and the television.

"Spencer, what...what is going on?" She questioned, sitting her purse and keys on the cushion of the coach.

"Thought it was finally time we had that talk." Spencer retorted, shrugging his shoulders with a grin as if it were so apparent.

Olivia looked around, in question as to how he pulled this off in a short time.

"Where is everybody?" 

"Coop and Skye are fighting because Skye kissed Patience. Coop is hiding out at Kia's until she can figure out what she will say to Patience. And Layla is staying at the beach house." Spencer listed off where Olivia's roommates disappeared to. "We've got the whole house to ourselves for the rest of the night."

Smirking, Olivia nodded, crossing her arms with a knowing expression. "To talk..."

This was about to be one hell of a conversation.

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