Expected The Unexpected pt 5

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"Hell no." Billy's voice through the living room. "You're not having a kid. Do you hear me, Olivia? It's not happening." He scowled, his eyes glaring from both the baffled young adults to his wife, wondering why anyone was entertaining the idea.

"At least hear them out, Bil-" Laura began only for her husband to swiftly shut her down.

"There is nothing to hear." Billy snapped. "They are still kids. How in the world are they going raise one of their own." His furious eyes danced to notably silent Grace. "How could you even think to let them bounce the idea around, let alone come here to persuade us to see it their way."

"Hold on, one minute." Grace asserted, raising to her feet to meet Billy level to level. "I didn't allow anything. These so-called kids are young adults responsible for how they choose to live their life." Grace responded stiffly, uncovered by Billy's cold stare. "Do I like the idea of the son becoming a parent barely into the first semester of college? Of course, not. Do I have a say in if this baby gets to take its first breath? Of course, not. And neither do you." Grace reinforced, trying to Billy see that this was one lesson this was one their kids needed to learn on their own.

"Billy, Grace is right." Laura groaned. "Spencer and Olivia knew wouldn't agree to this, but this is their lives, not ours. Their choice."

"Like hell it is." Billy scoffed. "They aren't ready for a baby."

"Oh, and Jordan was." Olivia piped in, at her wit's end at the double standard she experienced versus how her twin was treated. "When everyone thought Jordan knocked up Simone you moved her into our house, Dad," Olivia recalled venomously. "And we hadn't even graduated from high school yet."

"That was different." Billy snorted on impulse.

"Why? Because boys will boys and you expected Jordan to mess up?" Liv inquired harshly. "Why is it that when my immature brother almost whored himself into fatherhood you were willing to do what was necessary, but when you're much more mature daughter comes to you in a committed relationship prepared to take all responsibility, you won't even think about it," Olivia asked spitefully. "Spencer and I plan to find a place of our own and come up with a plan for school and work to balance before this baby even is delivered. We don't need anything from you and mom that you are not willing to give on your own. We came to you as responsible adults to keep you informed, not to ask for permission." Olivia added confidently, fueled by her father's lack of assurance in her.

For the first time since they started to reveal the news, Olivia found herself finally able to voice her thoughts clearly. There were no reservations about how she would handle this baby at the end of pregnancy. No adoption. No, this baby would hers and Spencer's to raise. And whoever didn't agree to get in line with the rest of the people waiting for Olivia to give a damn.

"We don't want you to feel like we are abandoning you two." Laura comforted Spencer and Olivia, reaching out to her daughter. "But have to admit this is a lot to dump on us, baby."

Moaning in acceptance, Liv nodded, "We weren't expecting you two to jump on board right away, Mom. Spencer and I get that it's a lot to process. But Dad is acting like he can drag my hair to the clinic and just have an abortion. Be can't, and I won't be pressured into giving up our baby." Olivia voiced, narrowing her eyes in her father's direction. "I won't be bullied into living my life for you or anyone else. It's my life. My choice."

Stroking his face, Billy remained standing alone in defeat. "I hate this."

"Hate it. Fight it." Olivia bulldozed in a fashion only she could. "Do whatever you want, Dad. I'm carrying the baby of the man I love. There is nothing wrong with where I am sitting. Be disappointed. It's nothing I can't work through."

"You're my baby girl," Billy muttered with his eyes shut, unable to accept the situation.

"She will still be your baby girl, Billy," Grace assured him. "She just won't be so little anymore."

"Dad, please." Olivia plead."Take however long you need. But come around because, even though I'm ready to do this without help from anyone because you raised me to be strong and independent, I'd like to be able to come to you eventually."

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