Expect The Unexpected Pt. 2

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( A/N: Alright so positive reviews from the first chapter, so I suppose we will have to continue. This chapter serves as a second part of the last chapter. I will be making a separate book for the remainder of this book. The link will be at the end of this chapter or in my next post depending on how soon I get the cover made.)

"How?" Spencer inquired.

Half an hour flew by since Olivia revealed that she carried his unborn child. For thirty minutes he found himself sitting in the living room, with a blank expression trying to process the news. And the first word he uttered was, "How?"

Followed by, "I mean obviously, I know how..." He added when Liv gave him a furrowed brow, wondering if he was truly asking her to review where babies came from.

"I meant how did we...how are you..." He fumbled over his words, gesturing towards Liv's stomach. "Liv, we were careful."

"Most of the time, yeah we were careful." Olivia half agreed. "But you know as well as I do that we had more than a couple of slip-ups over the last couple of weeks." Liv reminded her distraught boyfriend.

"There was the night with the broken condom. And that day you accidentally forget to pull out. Plus, remember I switched my birth control almost five weeks ago. And I asked a few girls from my dance class off-campus, and it turns out that it could take a week or two for my body to react whenever you birth control brands. It just depends on the girl, I guess." Liv listed the possible reasons for their current position.

"So what? This was just bad luck on our part?" Spencer questioned.

"It's not like I wanted this to happen any more than you did," Liv grumbled, vexed by his poor choice of wording.

Rubbing his face, Spencer sighed heavily before gently grazing her thigh in a comforting motion. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

Nodding, Liv's glare softened, trying to understand where he was coming from."I know." She replied overlapping his hand with her own.

"It's not the idea of having this baby with you that I called bad luck," Spencer explained. "It's the timing of this baby that isn't sitting well with me."

Bringing her hand to his lips, Spencer kissed it before meeting her gaze. "You know there ain't no other woman I'd choose to be the mother of kids, besides you, Liv."

Despite their current situation, Olivia could not help but smile in reaction to his words. Her smile faltered a bit as she respond, "Just not right now, right?
Neither one of us have time for a kid. Between your football, my job at the paper, and school we barely worked out time for each other. How can we make it work with a baby, Spencer?!" Liv stressed, releasing his hand as she facepalmed, frustrated by the entire problem.

"Even so, the kid is coming way or another....unless..." Spencer hesitantly dragged out their other options. "Unless you don't want to go through with this."

"What do you mean?" Liv asked instantly.

"I mean, as much as I want to say this is a joint decision, you're the one who would have to carry the baby for the next eight or nine months." Spencer reasoned. "Your body, your choice, and all that jazz." He chuckled, trying to have a light laugh.

Jokingly rolling her eyes, Liv grinned lightheartedly. "While that is true, this isn't just my baby." She giggled. "You did have your part in this mess after all."

"Me and my damn strong seeds." Spencer joked, causing Olivia to release a much-needed laugh.

"I'm serious, though, babe." Olivia detailed, calming down. "I could get an....an abortion. I mean, I hate the idea, but it's the more reasonable decision." She sighed sadly.

Spencer thought for a moment. One procedure and they could take this scare as a lesson learned to practice more safe sex. One procedure and they could stay on their current plan to continue school, football, and Liv's journalism with fewer problems. One procedure and this situation could be like a fever dream.

But then there was the less logical side of Spencer's brain that enjoyed the idea of mini Liv running around. Sure, they'd have to sacrifice some of their current plans, but it's not like they are alone. They had reliable families and friends, and they were committed to forging a future with one another. Sure, the kid was coming sooner than he might have hoped. But since when did life ever go as anyone planned. Why not roll with the punches?

"But what if you didn't get the abortion?" Spencer abruptly thought aloud stunning Olivia.

"What?" She asked, furrowing her brows, baffled at the suggestion. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Spencer nodded slowly, then more firmly than before. "What if we have the kid and stay in school? We wouldn't be the first people our age to do it."

"You're serious." Liv scoffed in disbelief at what she was hearing.

"Just think about, Liv. We could make a new plan. One with us and baby. Sure it would be far from easy, but it's not that crazy of an idea."

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