Play Your Position: Mr. Nice Guy

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Wednesday Evening, Shake Shack

"You two almost kissed?" Kia asked as Olivia bit into her veggie burger.

Nodding, Olivia chewed her food, before swallowing to reply.

"It was weird. Like he wanted to do further, but didn't want to at the same time." Olivia groaned, putting her burger down back on her wrapper.

"Maybe he felt guilty." Kia shrugged, leaning down to sip from the straw inside her smoothie. "Isn't he still dating Ava?"

"It's Alicia." Olivia corrected. "And yes, but I don't think that's what the problem is. I mean, it's never stopped him before." Olivia disagreed as she picked up a fry, and thought about how Spencer confessed his feelings to her during the summer before senior year. Despite both of them being in their complicated situations with Layla and Asher, Spencer still made his move on Olivia that night in Vegas.

"Alicia...Ava...Aubrey. It doesn't matter. She is not you, Liv. I know that. You know that. And so does Spencer. It's his annoying Superman habits getting in the way," Kia suggested, stealing a fry from Olivia. "You know he is too nice of a guy to leave a girl he's seeing for someone else. He doesn't like to be a cheating heartbreaker."

"Yeah, but the longer he drags this out, the more hurt Alicia will be in the end," Olivia mumbled, wishing at that moment that Spencer wasn't such a nice guy. "And longer we have to act like there is nothing between us. I hate fighting what we have. It's exhausting."

"Don't worry. Spencer just needs a push." Kia assured Olivia, biting into her chicken tender.

"I told him that I wanted him back. If that wasn't a push, then what is?" Olivia huffed.

"Spencer doesn't want to play the bad guy. And that's alright because I can," Kia decided, sipping from her drink.

"Do I even want to know what that means?" Olivia inquired, placing her soft drink on her lips.

"Don't worry, I won't play devil's advocate between him and his little girlfriend. I am simply going give him that little shove that he needs." Kia inferred as Olivia gazed at her wearily.
Thursday Afternoon, BSU Fashion Show Dress Rehearsal

Olivia stood next to one of the makeup chairs talking to Kia as she got her stage makeup done to allow the young makeup artist to rehearse the right foundation shade and paint strides before the show tomorrow night.

Stopping mid-conservation, their heads shifted at the sound of Davita prying a flirting footballer away from one of the female models. Both of them approached the scene, concerned about Davita's overwhelming actions.

"Hey, girl, are you good?" Kia asked as they reached a panting Davita.

"No, I'm far I'm alright. I am getting ready to hose down every horn dog on the stage if I caught one more person trying to get their freak on...on my time." Davita ranted.

"Chill, Dee. What happened?" Olivia laughed at Davita's overreaction.

"I'm two dancers after by leading lady got busy with her leading man in the broom closet of the second level of the auditorium. They are two of my best dancers! Who is going to play the role of the king and queen now?" Davita panicked.

"Calm down." Olivia insisted, already forming a play to help her friend out. "Look, Kia and I know every dance number inside the show. I can take the role of the Queen and Kia will just take my original spot."

"And who's gonna play the role of the king?" Davita stressed as if they would never find w replacement.

Glancing over to where a small group of footballers goofed around, awaiting their turn in the makeup chair, Kia smirked. "I think I know the perfect person for the job."

Davita and Olivia glared at Kia in confusion, pondering who she could be referring to.

Thursday Evening, GAU Campus, Dance Studio B

Spencer's hand crawled up the nape of Olivia's back as she rose from her dipping motion.

Her curls tickled the top of his arm as he guided her upper frame back to a standing position.

Slowly her head crept up before meeting Spencer face to face.

"Better?" Spencer inquired in panted lowly, trying to catch his breath.

They'd been practicing the king and queen choreography for over an hour, trying to perfect the steps.

In that short time, Spencer and Olivia were physically closer than they had been in months. And the tension between them intensified as time ran later. Holding Olivia's hips to his, Spencer could easily give into the desire to kiss her senselessly.

Breathing lightly, Olivia peeped down to Spencer's lip, her body warming in his arms. Biting her bottom lip, she prayed for restraint.

"Spencer..." She mumbled, her lips curling cheekily, feeling a new pressure pressing into her lower half.

"My bad." Spencer apologized, flustered under Olivia's expression of amusement. "It's just been a while since we..."

"Yeah, I know," Olivia admitted freely, "It's hard for me too." She added, causing Spencer to scowl playfully at her choice of wording.

Giggling, Olivia shook her head. "Pun not intended." Her laughter died down as Spencer's hand, caressed her back, doodling on the surface of her exposed skin that her sports bra left bare.

The amusement flew out of Olivia's mind as she purred, descending contently into the sensual hand motions.

Her eyes focused on Spencer's hazel orbs, as his hands gently pulled away from her body, as they heard voices of other students walking the halls.

"We can't do this, Liv." Spencer scolded himself for almost falling into old habits. "Not like this."

"Then when Spencer?" Olivia sighed discontented by his change of behavior. "I want you." She persisted tenderly, reaching out to touch his arms.

"I know." Spencer coaxed, ranking a hand through her curls. "Just not yet."

Olivia nodded, conceding to his rejection. "I should go." She uttered, stepping back from Spencer's touch.

"Liv..." Spencer dragged out, knowing he'd hurt her feelings.

"I will see you at the show tomorrow," Olivia responded coolly, walking over to where she left her gym bag.

Spencer's hand fell to his side, as she dismissed herself from their dance rehearsal.

Groaning he walked over to where his phone was charging. Scanning through his message inbox, Spencer cussed under his breath seeing that Alicia had, yet again, ghosted his calls and text, that insisted that they needed to talk.

Stressing over his situation, Spencer began to wonder how much longer Alicia expected him to play this game before he did something that she would hate.

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