A Real Reconciliation Pt 3

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Morning light dimly lit Olivia's bedroom, as she and Spencer lay entangled within one another. Their legs twisted under the comforter, while Spencer's left arm held Olivia as she slept on his chest. His right arm dangled above his head where he slept soundly on his pillow. After weeks of sleeping alone for a few hours each night, the two of them finally found easy peace beside one another.

However, their peace wasn't meant to last as Spencer's phone blared from the nightstand on the right side of Olivia's bed. Startled out of his slumber, Spencer groaned, rubbing his eyes with his right hand. Dropping his hand from his eye to the ringing cell phone, Spencer forced bis phone to his ear, answering the call.

"I'm up, I'm up." He chanted drowsily, thinking this was a mere wake-up call so he wasn't late for the wedding preparations.

"Spence, we got a problem, man." Coop responded, "Your moms and the Bakers were arrested last night."

The one statement hit him like a bucket of water, sparking new-found energy within him. "What you talking about?" Spencer inquired, sitting up all the way to get out of bed.

"They at the county jail. Something about stealing a street sign." Coop vaguely explained to Spencer as he now rushed to locate his clothes and redress.

"I'm on the way. Just stay there." Spencer insisted before hanging up and checking the time. Seeing the window of opportunity closing until the wedding set start time, Spencer tossed his phone on the bed, hastening his movements.

Missing the lack of his body warmth, Olivia stirred awake, rubbing her eyes, confused to see Spencer getting dressed in a hurry. "What's going on? Why are getting dressed?"

"Our parents are in jail. And my mom is supposed to walk down the aisle in less than 2 hours." Spencer replied, giving her the short version of the backstory.

"Are you serious?" Olivia gagged in disbelief, shuffling out of bed. "Okay, well give me a few minutes to throw something on and I will come with you." She insisted, wanting to help in any way she could.

"Nah, I need you to stay here do me a favor." Spencer retorted, formulating a plan to ensure that remainder of the wedding day went off without a hitch.

"Yeah, just name it." Olivia agreed, already going to her closet. "I got you." She muttered, too focused on finding a quick outfit to see Spencer smiling at her with a knowing expression.

The both of them dressed and cleaned themselves up as quickly as possible being meeting up downstairs on going over the plan.

"You sure you got this?" Spencer inquired, as Olivia walked him to the door.

"Just go get your mom and Daddy D'Angelo and meet us a the church," Olivia assured him while making a light jab to get him to smile. "I will take care of the rest."

"Yes ma'am." Spencer snorted through his grin, his eyes shined with a glint of bliss as she reciprocated his beam. "Thanks for this."

"You don't need to thank me." Olivia claimed, "It's what I am here for." She added, the underlying meaning dancing in the air for them both. "Now, go. I will see you at the wedding."

Spencer nodded, leaning in to kiss the top of her head before walking out the door. Olivia stood in place with a cheesy grin, knowing the reception would definitely be a place to not miss.

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