Expect the Unexpected Pt. 3

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"You knocked my sister up?!" Jordan voiced louder than he intended, alarmed by the unbelievable revelation.

Spencer sat beside Liv, his lips tight, discomforted that Jordan appeared to be struggling between anger and bafflement.

Jordan grew to be a brother to him so to think that this might be the thing that sends their friendship over the edge caused Spencer distress.
However, Spencer knew that any resentment that Jordan might feel would be towards the idea that his sister's dream life may forever be at a loss because of their choice to keep the baby. Despite how Spencer might feel about enraging Jordan, the baker twin had a right to worry about his sister's wellbeing.

"First of all, lower your tone," Olivia demanded defensively under her brother's judgemental gaze. "Don't sit there and act high and mighty, like you haven't pulled any crazy stunts in the last two years. There was a time you thought you fathered a baby with Simone and decided to raise...and we hadn't even graduated high school yet. And let's not forget your gunshot Vegas wedding either." Olivia listed off her twin's discretion, ensuring that Jordan understood he was in no place to judge her current circumstances.

Groaning heavily, Jordan facepalmed himself, knowing he could not judge, despite believing the two of them were making the wrong choice. "What about school? And becoming a big-time journalist? Or the team, for that matter?  You guys are just gonna drop all of this for a kid neither of you planned on having?"

"Who said anything about leaving school or forgetting our goals school?" Spencer spoke up for both of them. "We can have the baby and still have a great college career."

"You can't possibly think you can do it all?" Jordan rationalized. "You guys barely managed to work out a schedule that balanced out your current lives. A baby is gonna make 50 times harder."

Listen, Jordan, we are signing ourselves up for the hard road for the three years. We don't need you to tell us something already know." Olivia replied haughtily.

"So why are you me then." Jordan scoffed, disheartened that Olivia refused to listen to his words of advice.

"Call me crazy but when you and Simone got married, I remembered it was Spencer and me who stood as maid of honor and best man." Liv recalled calmly, "It was also Spencer who trained you after your injury, at the risk of losing his gaining our father's hatred. Now I those shows of support even against our best interests, wouldn't you? So is it so crazy that I hoped that despite how much you disagreed with our choice to keep the baby that you, as my twin brother, would support me?" Olivia inquired, desiring her brother to have her back like she had his during his tough moments.

Rubbing his hands over his head, Jordan silently agonized over the decision. Sure, he could his sister tooth and nail on her determination to raise a baby while attending college and working. But he knew how Oliva operated once she got an idea stuck into her mind, so he knew Liv would see her plans to have her baby through. Plus, she and Spencer would have a hard enough time breaking the news to their parents. They didn't need him ragging on life choices.

Nodding stiffly, Jordan let the news sink in. "So I'm gonna be an uncle, huh?" He choked up, forcing a half-hearted smile on his face.

"Yeah, you are." Liv asserted gently, her hand finding her flat stomach that was sure to grow in the coming weeks. "You know they say uncles are like second fathers to kids?"

"Course we are." Jordan chuckled. "Just cooler and better looking."

"Watch yourself." Spencer laughed. "Who you calling ugly?"

"Give it a few weeks after the baby comes. You're gonna look as worn out as a senior citizen, wrinkles and all." Jordan taunted.

"So you're cool with this, then?" Liv asked again, needing reassurance that she could count on her brother.

"It's your choice at the end of the day," Jordan concluded. "All I need to do is be here when you need me." Glancing over to Spencer he gave his best friend an observant gaze. "If it's gonna be anybody raising a kid with my sister, I'm glad it's you, bro."

"Baby or no baby, Liv is safe with me." Spencer ensured Jordan, knowing that ever since junior year Jordan made a mission to keep out for his sister's best interest in all aspects. After Olivia's relapse senior his protectiveness only increased with daily check-ins with her sobriety, weekend brunches to keep in touch, and movie nights when he felt like third wheeling.

"I know, man." Jordan confidently conceded, raisins from his seat to give Spencer a brotherly embrace. "Welcome to the family for real now."

"Thanks," Spencer mumbled as they separately.

Unable to contain his laughter at his inner thought, Jordan suddenly burst into fits as snickers.

"What happened?" Liv asked as her brother tackled harder.

"I just thought about it and this is my time. I can do no wrong after this." Jordan teased his twin. "Every time I screw up and mom and dad wanna get mad all I gotta do is be like at least I'm not a baby daddy. This is gonna golden child era." He joked as Olivia playfully scowled.

"Those sound like fighting words." She challenged, her hand reaching out for the nearest couch pillow.

Jordan laughed shooting his hands went up as his sister slammed the pillow on his head repeatedly.

"Alright, Liv. You win. You win." He suckered through hits.

"Nah, I wanna hear you say it." Liv playfully threatened, bringing the pillow down on him again. "Say it! Concede!" She taunted.

"Alright, I concede." Jordan laughed on the verge of tears.

"Say it!" Liv repeated, waiting to hear the line that he always used in surrender since they were kids.

"Ok, ok. You win, I lose." Jordan admitted defeat.

"And..." Liv demanded him to continue, holding the pillow in midair.

"And you're the best twin for not consuming me in the womb," Jordan muttered, rolling his eyes animatedly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Olivia smirked, tossing the pillow aside.

Spencer watched the Baker twins in amusement as his girlfriend rejoined back on the couch, and Jordan came off of his comedic high.

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