Expect the Unexpected.

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(A/N: I want to start by saying I know nothing about teen pregnancy or pregnancy personally. All my information will be pulled from stuff I've witnessed from afar, watched on television, or read about. So please don't expect 100% accuracy in whatever I might write in the future if I continue with this plot in a separate book. So yeah, everyone knows what a backdoor pilot episode is, right? Well, I'd like everyone to look at this as a sort of...backdoor pilot chapter that may or may not lead to a book. That all depends on the feedback I get from this chapter. So after you've read hit that star ✨ and leave a comment on how I did. As always thanks for reading. Here we go...)


"I really hope you mean that." Olivia nervously replied, sticking her hands into her back pockets to give her fidgetting fingers something to cling to as she prepared to come clean.

"Of course I do." Spencer sighed wholeheartedly, reading his girlfriend's overwhelmed expression. "Why? What's going on, Liv?"

"I know all my attention centered around my work stuff and that jackass on your team these last few days. And I haven't been completely present mentally when we've been together lately either. And I'm sorry about that." Olivia apologized hastily, struggling to form a coherent thought without rambling. 

"Liv, whatever is going on we will work it out. I just need you to be straight with me." Spencer responded, strolling closer to grab hold of his overwrought girlfriend to no avail.

Liv gently pushed past him, suddenly feeling claustrophobic, drowning in her ever-growing problems. "It's just my job and the article were the only things that seem to be under my control recently. School is fine, but my grades could be better. Our relationship seems to be on the rocks a lot over these last few weeks..." She circled back as Spencer interjected.

"Yeah, but I like I said before, we can work it out." Spencer tried to reassure her. "And I can help you with everything else too. You don't have to face it by yourself, Liv." Spencer reiterated. "You know I'm down for whatever you need, babe."

"Not this, Spencer." Olivia disagreed, still unable to let the words fall from her lips. "This is too much for even you to handle."

"Is it a temptation thing?" Spencer finally asked, his voice laced with sincere concern. "Do you want to call nurse joy or go to a meeting? I can go with you." He suggested.

"It's not a pill or drinking thing, Spencer." Liv sternly confirmed. "But it's sweet of you to offer."

"Then tell me, Olivia. Because I'm running low on ideas." Spencer sighed heavily at his wit's end.

Whatever the problem that Liv withheld, she'd been keeping to herself for quite some time. And Spencer did not like her dancing around the bush or her keeping him in the dark instead of facing this thing head-on together.

"If it's not a relapse thing, a family matter, school problems, job conflictions, or an "us" problem...then what is the matter?" Spencer rigorously urged her to spill.

Grabbing hold of her wrist, Spencer forced her to face him. "Liv!"

"I'm pregnant, Spencer!" Liv forced herself to admit aloud, as she yanked her wrist out of her stunned boyfriend's grasp. "I'm pregnant." She murmured on the brink of tears.

Her tear-stained eyes stared at her boyfriend's blank expression as the once unshakable Spencer James was hit with a lifetime's worth of mental turbulence.

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