End of Trip

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Author's note: Btw, when reading this chapter you will notice that I skipped over the Spencer/Coop argument. We all know what was said between them, and I don't feel the need to rehash the discussion. So for all recreational purposes in my story let's just say the argument took place 'off screen'. Anyhow, back to the story.


After getting dressed, Olivia found her way back into the kitchen. Aiding an emotionally wounded Spencer after his final fallout with Coop, Kia was thought to be outside and out of Liv's way.

After getting dressed, Liv sneakily reentered the kitchen with one bad desire on her mind. Opening the cupboard that held her darkest intention, Liv was stunned to see the bottle missing.

"Looking for this?" Kia voiced in a firm tone, gaining Olivia's attention. "I already poured it for the drain. You took too long."

Liv eyes flew from the empty bottle to Kia as stood frozen like a deer in headlights. "Kia, it's not what you think."

"I don't know if going through a small lapse or if this a moment of weakness," Kia admitted. "Frankly, I don't care because I wasn't going to let you go through with it either way."

"I thought you talking with Spencer about his fight with Coop." Liv sighed, desperate to know how Kia found out.

"You were hiding whatever is you are or aren't doing," Kia countered. "Because you don't want the people you care about to be disappointed when they find out."

"It's not what you think, Ke." Olivia moaned desperately.

"I know people with family members with drinking problems. You want to know the difference between them and you?" Kia questioned. "They don't hide their problem. They drink what they want when they want no matter what people say. They don't care about the effects of being alcoholics. They don't want help. They just keep drinking until they can't drink anymore." Kia detailed bluntly. "You're different, Liv. You hide it because you care. You know that the path you're treading down is the wrong one. You probably want to come clean, but for your fears, choose not to. And as much as I want to be able to say I can help you through this, I cant. Not until you're ready to help yourself."

"So what happens now?" Liv asked in a broken tone. "Are you going to tell everyone while we are here?"

"What good would that do?" Kia shrugged. "Outing you won't change anything unless you're ready to make the change. So what happens next is on you. Hide your drinking problem or be honest and get some help."

Liv's eyes fell to the floor as Kia glided closer to her.

"But, hey when you are ready just know you won't be alone," Kia assured Liv. "You can trust me."

Tears streamed down Liv's cheeks as she leaned into Kia's embrace.


The afternoon rolled around with everyone packing up to get on the road. Weekends bags were tossed into cars and the gang was all ready to go.

Spencer stood in the doorway, locking up as everyone piled their bags into their respective vehicles.

Feeling a soft hand on his arm, Spencer spun around.

"Hey." Spencer greeted the one person who'd made a mission out of dodging him all day.

"I am sorry this weekend didn't go as planned." Liv voiced, breaking the ice.

"That's alright. I think we all got so much-needed clarity." Spencer sighed, thinking back to all the ended friendships and relationships that took place in the last two days.

"Do you mean you and Layla, or you and Coop?" Liv wondered.

"Both," Spencer admitted. "...Plus you and Asher." He added hesitantly.

"It's alright, Spencer." Liv nodded. "You can say it. Ash and I were holding onto a relationship that in truth ended months ago."

"You still love him though, huh," Spencer stated.

"Yeah, but I'm not in love with him anymore," Olivia replied honestly.

"Same goes for me and Layla." Spencer agreed.

"On that note, I'd also like to apologize for ghosting you all day." Olivia hastily responded. "I didn't mean to, it's just I had a lot to think over."

"Liv, it's okay." Spencer shrugged off, not wanting to make her feel bad.

"No, it's not, but I'm going to make it up to you." Liv decided. "You want to ride with me back to town?"

"I would, but I've got to drive my Moms' car back." Spencer chuckled. "She'd kill me if I left here."

"So let me take it back." Kia insisted, interesting in their conservation. "Jordan can take mine. And Coop can ride back with Simone. You two get your alone time, and we all make it home safely. Everyone is happy."

Olivia smiled a cheesy grin in gratitude towards Kia. "Works for me."

Spencer grinned in response to finally seeing Liv smile. "I'm down."

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