A Real Reconciliation. Pt. 1

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(A:N: I get Olivia's hesitation to take Spencer back after how he left her in 5x01. But this is just to mend my Spelivia confusion cloud. I give you how things would've played out in the end, if they were honest, instead of Liv's remark about closure. It's only right to start with real action though, right 🤭😏)

Olivia's heart sped up feeling the tight grasp Spencer held on her arm, refusing to release her. Sealing her eyes shut, she fought the urge to not break under his earnest clutch. Sure, she started the night keen on catching Spencer's eye, but that was before hearing about his conquest.

"I haven't moved on." Spencer proclaimed in a deep tone once more, gazing into her eyes as they slowly opened to meet his.

"Honestly, it doesn't matter." She lied, knowing that she hated the very image of another woman touching Spencer in the intimate ways that Olivia desired to reserve for herself. Allowing her eyes to fall to his soft lips, Liv momentarily danced with the concept of relinquishing to the enticement that her body ached for.

"It does to me." Spencer asserted swiftly, refusing to let her run away from him again. Leaning into her orbit, Spencer inhaled her intoxicating aroma, his need for her accumulated strongly by the moment.

Her hand found his chest, gently keeping an insufficient proportion of expansion between them as she submerged in his irresistible composure. Hooking her sights on him, Olivia permitted Spencer to formulate the initial action as his lips caressed her, closing the distance between them.

Spencer crushed his lips to hers in a gentle, yet urgent kiss. The sheer force of it stole Olivia's breath, compelling her knees to buckle, melting in Spencer's robust embrace. Liv pined for more, an immediate throb fluttered from her toes to between her legs, caving for Spencer completely. Her hands skidded away from where she hid them a long Spencer's, to wrap around his neck, and Spencer hummed deeply in approval of her change of position.

Tremors of contentment rocketed through Olivia's chest. Her hands flew over Spencer, enclosing around him, threading her fingers through his short coils of hair. Draping her arms around his upper frame she pulled Spencer closer. Arching into his touch, Liv's hesitation was tossed aside, submitting to fate as his hands motioned from her to her behind, lifting her feet from the ground. Her legs snaked around his abdomen without forfeiting a beat.

Spencer's tongue probed at her parted lips, and Olivia happily accepted his invitation. Her tongue welcomed his, and the two of them tangled around one another, in a sensual dance of re-acquaintance. The kiss became feverish, Olivia's yearning for more flaring sharper with each passing moment as Spencer backed her onto the kitchen counter.

Spencer's insistent thrusts against her core earned a quiet cry of pleasure from Liv's lips. His hand now fallen from gentle face grazing to soft caresses along Olivia's thighs, right below the hem of her dress. Nipping and biting at her lips, Spencer consumed Olivia senselessly. Melting into a molten reservoir of arousal, Olivia felt herself becoming undone, unlike anything she'd experienced before. The previous distance between her and spencer was now drowning in a raw, blistering passion.

Shifting himself slightly to his left, Spencer jostled his thigh between Olivia's. Olivia swallowed a whimper as his erection pressed into her crotch when he realigned their posture. Spencer's fingers disappeared beneath her dress, playing along the outer fabric of her nude thong, teasing her clit with just enough pressure to send tingles through her entire unhinged body.
She began rolling against his palm, seeking the friction, rocking her hips in a slow rhythm, and wanting nothing more than to lose herself in this ecstasy. "Spenc...please." She cried out, begging for relief.

Smirking as his lips nibbled down her neckline, Spencer urged her further. "Tell me what you want, Liv." He requested as she continued to roll her core against his hand in a wanton manner.

"Touch me...." Liv moaned harshly, desperate for more attention to a certain area. "Fingers....please..."

Topping her lips with his, Spencer's fingers pushed the thin fabric of her underside, dipping into her folds, missing her heated core. "Here?" He teased.

"Spencer...." Olivia dragged his name out, tired of the teasing. "Baby, please."

Spencer slipped his tongue into her mouth in unison with his fingers diving between her labia and into her near-waterfall flood of wetness. His thumb grazed her clit and his kiss swallowed her moan as she rapidly lost her ability the breath. Her hands clutched the edge of the counter feeling Spencer's fingers stroke her deepest parts. Making circles of increasing pressure, Spencer caused Olivia to rapidly grow lightheaded. Pulling away from his lips, her chest heaved, struggling to inhale enough air to keep from fading into overwhelming euphoria.

"Like that, babe?" Spencer inquired through hooded eyes, watching as Liv faded in and out of a daze as his digits pumped into her.

Unable to make out any verbal contentment, Olivia simply nodded, parting her lips, expelling another whine of delight.

Spencer's devoured her lips with his own, pumping his fingers into her, curling the with each plunge. Striking that place inside Olivia, Spencer guaranteed her undoing. She clenched tightly around his fingers, the pressure building, setting Olivia ablaze. Her legs parted further, allowing Spencer to dig her out completely. "Right there...don't....please..."

The primary throb hinted towards them both of her impending climax. Olivia plunged her head onto Spencer's shoulder. Her hands wrapped around his large frame, pulling him closer than before. Her internal muscles fluttered in warning, as Spencer's pace hastened. Each profound descent was matched with dominant strokes over her swollen clit. Her cries were closer together, as until her muscles tightened around his fingers. One more thrust, one more twist, and Olivia crashed. "Spencer, I'm....Oh...god.."

"I got you. Let go." Spencer insisted, gifting her gentle strokes to ride out her wave. Spencer held her as she shook from the high of orgasm. Her breathing slowed as her inside became jelly in his arms.

She rested against his chest, processing what just took place. Her core moistened once more as Olivia remembered how well Spencer fit in her. Desiring to have him completely, Liv lifted her head off his chest, gazing affectionately at him. "Let's go upstairs."

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