Play Your Position Pt 1

548 21 13

Tuesday Morning.

Spencer was running around the GAU campus with his mother's advice replaying in his head, trying to come up with a way to unite his teammates. After the pool party at the Baker house was a bust, he needed to plan something fast.

His thoughts were broken as two clothing racks came rolling at full speed in front of him.

"Whoa, you might wanna slow down!" Spencer barked, halting his morning run to keep himself from running into the impending collision.

"Huh? Oh, my bad." A familiar voice replied hastily, pushing the carts apart to show a head full of fresh curls before Olivia's face was revealed. "Oh, Spencer. It's you. I'm sorry." She added, still mentally registering her whereabouts after her early wake-up call.

"You probably should've taken 2 trips," Spencer advised, reaching out to help he smiled at her as she struggled to hold the racks still.

"Yeah, well that is something caffeinated Olivia would have thought of." Liv scoffed, "Unfortunately coffee places around here don't open early just because we're up."

"True." Spencer agreed, "So what is all of this?"

"I'm helping Davita set up for BSU's fashion show on Friday," Olivia explained, gesturing to the custom outfits.

"That's new," Spencer noted, how very little Olivia made a habit of joining on-campus activities.

"It's all part of Olivia 3.0." She detailed. "I'm trying to get involved more."

"You could not pick a club with more reasonable hours." Spencer chuckled knowing she wasn't much of an early bird.

"Not one that would accept Jaden Davis," Olivia responded stiffly.

"That's messed up," Spencer grumbled, at the news that she was being blacklisted from school activities.

"It's not surprising though," Olivia assured him, that she readied herself to face this type of backlash from revealing herself as the writer. "And I heard about what happened in the locker room. I'm sorry you have to deal with this mess."

"Don't be, Liv." Spencer shrugged off her concern. "Anyone with half a brain knows you did the right thing by outing Garrett's plots. Give it time and everyone will come around. You did the right thing."

"Yeah, but I get why people are upset. The team that they bled for, now, has a one-year bowl ban. And it's easier for them to blame me, rather than hate some guy who is no longer here." Olivia comprehended the other perspective.

"It will all blow over," Spencer assured her, confident in his words.

"Maybe." Olivia shrugged, still holding on to a little hope Spencer continued to pile in her corner.

Her eyes dragged over her ex-boyfriend, analyzing his freshly worked-out frame. His athletic shirt clung to his chiseled body, displaying his abs beneath the breathable fabric. A haze began to form in his mind at the thought of touching that muscular stomach she hadn't been able to enjoy as of late. Then the sudden reminder that they were broken was the reason behind the lack of contact, broke Olivia from her short trance.

"Anyway, I can take these the rest of the way." She spoke abruptly, trying to dismiss herself from the conversation, as her hands pulled at both the rack of clothes.

"You sure you don't need any help?" Spencer inquired, his eyes running over her stature. Dressed in a black romper, Olivia showed off her toned legs and perfectly proportioned body. The outfit shaped her curves perfectly, giving Spence full advantage to ogle his ex-girlfriend.

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