Chapter Fourteen: Author's POV

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Chae-rin waits for Eun-ha to get off work, sitting in front of her office, hoping to convince her to come with her to the camping trip. She's a little annoyed that Namjoon is making her go because she hates camping, but she also couldn't say no to him when he actually came over to ask her with his big, dimple smile. Chae-rin hates that dimple smile so much because she can't refuse him whenever she sees it. It's her weakness.

"Well, this is a surprise," Eun-ha says, walking out, her brow raised. "Why are you waiting for me like you want something?" She smirks, already knowing.

"What? I can't just wait for my friend to get off work so we can go get dinner together?" Chae-rin stands up, meeting Eun-ha. "My treat!"

"Spill it," Eun-ha tells her. "You're horrible at lying and I know you want something. What is it?" Eun-ha shakes her head, amused. Chae-rin has and always will be terrible at keeping secrets. Ever since Eun-ha met Chae-rin, she could read Chae-rin easily.

As they start walking in the direction of the restaurant, Chae-rin smiles. "Welllll," she starts off, "I was wondering if you wanted to go camping this weekend?"

Eun-ha pulls her brows together, holding back a laugh. She knows that Chae-rin hates camping just as much as she does, so why in the world would she invite her? "Chae-rin," she shakes her head. "No."

"Please?! Why? Come on, it'll be fun!"

Flashbacks of the first and last time Eun-ha went on a camping trip crosses her mind and she continues shaking her head. "Need I remind you about the million mosquito bites, the frog and the lizard?! Also! I stepped on deer shit!"

Chae-rin remembers that well. In fact, it was Chae-rin that warned Eun-ha to be careful, but of course her friend didn't listen. Hence, her foot in a pile of deer shit and Eun-ha almost crying because she was wearing sandals. "It'll be different this time, though! We'll be with the guys!"

"What guys?"

"Um, Joon, my brother and some of their friends," Chae-rin shrugs.

Eun-ha's mind immediately wanders to Taehyung. She has had the biggest crush on him since she met him. She doesn't know what it is about him, but she is just so attracted to him. It doesn't matter that they've hardly had a conversation after knowing each other for five years. It's not like she hasn't tried. Whenever he strikes up a conversation or says hello to her, she gets all shy. She just gets all loopy when he's around.

Chae-rin knows that her friend has a big, humongous crush on Taehyung and occasionally teases her. Eun-ha is not one to usually shy away from guys, but for whatever reason, Taehyung just makes her lose all thoughts. Chae-rin finds it amusing. She also thinks that Eun-ha and Taehyung would make a cute couple, actually. Sure, Taehyung is a flirt, but she thinks it's just how he naturally is. Eun-ha is the same, except for when it comes to Taehyung.

"Tae will be there," Chae-rin says, trying to coax her friend.

Eun-ha narrows her eyes at Chae-rin. "Don't think you can convince me just by saying Taehyung will be there too."

"Fine. How about if I say you're always asking for us to go play! This is our chance! Sure, it may not be up our alley, but let's just give camping another chance. Who knows? We might actually like it more than we thought."

"I don't know," Eun-ha purses her lips. She feels like her and nature just don't mix well. She can't forget about the lizard in the tent incident. How can she when it was in her sleeping bag and it crawled on her leg? "I'm leaning towards no, Chae-rin. Like, ninety percent no."

They finally sit at the table of the restaurant and Chae-rin groans. "Why?! Ugh!"

Eun-ha laughs and replies, "Give me until Thursday night to give you an answer. I'm just telling you, though, my answer will probably be a no. I just...I can't."

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