Chapter Two: Namjoon

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I hear a loud grinding noise and my eyes flutter open. I sit up in bed and look around, realizing I am in my room. The movement of me sitting so quickly has made me dizzy and then the rush of the hangover comes. Fuck...

"Son of a bitch!" I hear from outside my door.

I know this voice... I slowly get out of bed and open the door to see my best friend struggling with my espresso maker. She looks frustrated as she tries to tamp the coffee powder. She looks different from the last time I saw her. Her hair is now back to her natural color of brown rather than her blonde hair. It's up to her shoulder now, too. How long has it been since I've actually seen her?

I am a horrible best friend. I haven't seen her in almost five months... I was just so engrossed in my own life that I left her without even realizing it until now. Ugh. I really am a shit friend. Something tells me she's here because of what happened between Ae-ra and me. She's here because she's being my best friend, trying to cheer me up like always. She's too good to me...

"What are you doing?" I say to her, walking into the kitchen. "Do you need my help?"

Her head snaps up and she sees me. "Oh, hi... You're awake?"

"Well, you make quite a bit of noise," I tease. "Here, let me do it." I swat her hand away and take over making her a latte. She stands beside me, her eyes curiously observing me. She's trying to see if I'm okay. "What?" I turn to her, smiling softly.

"Are you hungover?"

"I am," I tell her.

"Yeah, you drank a lot, apparently." She moves to the cabinet and pulls out some painkillers for me. "And Kook said that you just, uh, blurted it out." She hands me a water bottle along with two pills.

I swallow them quickly with the water and clear my throat. "Yeah, I just...I don't know how it happened. I had a few drinks in me and then I guess I just felt the need to tell someone."

I actually don't remember much of last night. I don't even remember seeing Chae-rin last night, to be honest. The last thing I remember from last night is Jungkook on the phone, looking really stressed. That's about it.

"Are you okay?" She says, after what looks like she had been contemplating on asking or not.

I hand her latte to her and sigh. "I'm not," I confess.

"I'm sorry," she mumbles, still holding her cup. I can tell that she's holding back. Chae-rin is a naturally curious person and she is waiting to know what happened. She wants to ask me, but I know she's trying to be respectful. Instead, she takes a sip of her coffee, but too quickly because she yelps. "Hot!"

I let out a small smile. "Be careful, Chae-rin," I shake my head, slightly amused. "I'm going to wash up, okay?"

She nods and sits down at the table. I walk to the bathroom but I glance back and see Chae-rin sitting at the table, staring off as she takes small sips of her latte. She really is trying hard if she was dumb enough to drink the latte that quickly. She must've felt her question bubbling to the surface and thought the latte was the only way to stop it from coming out of her.

To be honest, even I don't know what happened between Ae-ra and myself. It feels so out of the blue... We have been doing great and I was about to ask her to move in with me... Then, she asked to meet one day and I thought it was going to be one of our usual date nights until she told me she didn't want to be with me anymore. The reason? Because she wanted time to think and be by herself. What kind of reason is that?!

I just don't understand... We were fine! We barely ever argued and if we did, we would resolve it quickly before it ever turned into a full-on fight. Everything just happened so quickly and she blindsided me with this break-up. I rack my brain for any indication that she was unhappy or felt like she didn't love me anymore, but I come up empty. Hell!

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