Chapter Nineteen: Namjoon

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"Good morning!" I hear Jin say, the zipper opens up and in floods the sun into the tent. "Get up! We're going to go hiking in an hour!"

I groan. "Hyung, please."

Jin laughs lightly before saying "Okay, okay." He zips the tent back up and disappears.

I look down and Chae-rin is sleeping next to me, her back pressed against me. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. I nuzzle my nose into the back of her neck and close my eyes, hoping to get a few more minutes of sleep. She's just so comfortable in my arms. Sure, she moves around quite a bit, but she was fine when we went to bed this morning.

I still can't believe she woke up from a dream about me. Does she think of me like that often? I knew I heard her saying my name. I was just hesitant because well, why would she be saying my name like that? Plus, I was asleep when I heard her murmuring my name in that voice. I've never had sex in a tent before... So, that was a new experience for me and I know for her too.

Chae-rin sighs in her sleep and rolls around, into my chest. Her nose brushes against my shirt and she rests her hand against one of my pecs. For someone who claims not to like cuddling, she sure does like to push her face right up against me. I think every time we've cuddled and fallen asleep, she ends up like this. She's a liar. She's a secret cuddle lover.

We lay like this for an extra twenty minutes before I decide it's time to wake her up. I do want to go on that hike and even though I know Chae-rin doesn't want to, I'm going to make her. I tap her nose lightly and she scrunches it, her eyes still closed. I let out a small smile and tap it again. She groans, rolling away from me.

"Chae-rin," I say, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. "Wake up. It's time to get ready now." My hands slip around her waist, tapping her side with my fingertips. "Wakey, wakey."

I hear her grumble and I know she's awake.

"Come on, let's go get ready," I sit up, peeking at her face.

She opens her eyes slowly and adjusts herself so she's lying flat on her back. "I'm tired," she complains. "I need more sleep."

"We're going hiking," I smile.

"No," she closes her eyes, pulling the blanket above her head.

"Yes," I chuckle, tugging it down. "Jin hyung already came to wake us up earlier." I pull her up to sit but she just leans into me instead. "Chae-rin," I snort.

"Joon, please," she buries her face into my side. "I hate hiking. You know I do."

"But it'll be fun! Come on, let's go. You haven't hiked with me in a long time." I tickle her side and she jerks away. "Please?"

"Don't," she giggles, trying to keep a stern face.

"Come on." I stand up, grabbing my hygiene items before I reach for her. "Let's go lazy butt. I think your brother is going too."

She groans. "Ugh, fine!"


"Alright, who is going hiking and who's staying?" Jin says.

"Yoongi, Hoseok, Soo-ya, Jimin and A-reum are staying," Soo-young says. "Everyone else is going on the hike."

"Okay, so Yoongi you guys are in charge of making us food for when we come back!" Jin laughs.

"That's fine with me," he nods.

Chae-rin had begged and begged me to stay at the campsite, but I convinced her to go with me when I told her that Eun-ha and everyone else were going too. She's busy talking with Eun-ha, probably about how the whole tent experience was for Eun-ha and Taehyung. I glance around and spot Ae-ra standing beside Soo-young. She is doing the bare minimum and yet my heart is beating so quickly from just seeing her. I gulp down as we make our way to the hiking trail.

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