Chapter Thirteen: Chae-rin

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It's so hot. I have pillows all around me and it's giving me too much heat. I know it's morning, but god, I have the worst hangover. I push away the pillows and blankets only to find that...well, the pillow isn't moving. I open my eyes and it's Namjoon's arm around me and his chest that my face is pressed against. What happened last night?

I wiggle around, trying to find a way out of his hold but I hear him groan as his arms tighten around me. He's awake. I know he's a light sleeper, but I always forget. "Joon," I mumble against his chest. "Let me go."

"Why can't you just stay asleep a little longer, Chae-rin?" His voice is raspy and deep. "I need a few more minutes. Maybe a half hour."

"You can have that. Just let go of me," I say to him.

He sighs and releases me from his hold. "Do you remember last night?"

I sit up and stare at him and he slowly opens his eyes. "I remember drinking with Tae. A lot."

"Yeah, you were pretty wasted last night," he replies, sitting up too. He stretches his long, muscular arms in the air. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? What do-" Oh. He knows. I sigh and shrug. "I don't know. I think I am? I wasn't expecting that kind of news, you know? I'm just...well, that means he cheated on me while we were dating." I look down at my hands, fiddling my fingers. "I know it's stupid because we have been broken up for almost a year now, but...I didn't think-"

Namjoon pulls me into a hug, tucking my head under his chin. "You have every right to feel betrayed, no matter how long you've been broken up."

"I don't want to feel like this, though," I reply. "Does it mean that I still have feelings for him? Does it mean that I'm not over him?"

"No, it just means that you loved him when you were with him and you are feeling betrayed because he didn't feel the same."

"I hate this. I'm just annoyed because like...why? Was I not good enough for him? Was I not smart enough? Was I not pretty enough? What did I do wr-"

"Stop, right there," he cuts me off. "Do not start with the what ifs. You are enough. He was just too dumb to realize."

"Yeah, okay," I mumble. We stay like this, me in his arms, him leaning his head on the top of mine, for almost five minutes. I'm pretty sure he's actually sleeping. He might not be in a deep sleep, but he's in that power-mode nap. "Uh, Joon," I tap his arm.


"I have a headache. I need some Tylenol or something," I tell him. "And don't you have to get up for work?"

He sighs and removes his arms from me. "Yeah, I do," he frowns. "I'm so tired. I didn't get a good night's sleep because someone was very drunk and I had to go pick them up. Then, they moved around all night."

"I'm sorry," I reply, sheepishly. "That's why you're my best friend."

"I better be," he laughs, sitting up. "Ugh, should I just call out of work today? Or maybe work from home?"

"Yeah! Then we can lounge around the house today," I grin.

"You don't want to go home?"

"I want to hang out with Monie," I smile. "I'll take him on a walk to the park and you can work. Then we can have breakfast or something."

He looks like he's thinking about my offer. I know I've tempted him and I'm pretty sure he's going to say yes. He loves working from home on the days that he needs to nap because he can sleep in the comfort of his own home. "Alright, okay."

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