Chapter Nine: Chae-rin

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"Where are you going?" I cling onto Namjoon's shirt, hoping he'll stay put with me. It's not that I don't like socializing...I do, but these are people I don't normally see. Like ever...

He chuckles and reaches for my hand. "I'll be right back. Jin hyung just wants to take some photos of the guys. Just stay here and hang out."

"Joon!" I whisper as he walks away.

Ugh! I stand awkwardly by the tables, unsure of who to talk to. Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon have all abandoned me to go take photos. Those traitors. At least I have alcohol in my cup. The venue that the brunch is at is so intimate and chic. When Namjoon said brunch, I was not imagining this. This is more like a reception. It's elegantly decorated with string lights, white canopies, flowers, balloons and food. Is this how rich people do things? I don't really remember what Jin does, but I do remember Joon telling me that Jin and his family are well off.

"So, you're dating Namjoon, huh?" I almost choke on my drink when I hear this. I turn around and Jimin is standing there, handsome as ever. He's wearing a vertical striped, pale blue and white linen button up, beige slacks, and brown dress shoes. His wrist adorned with a gold watch and his hair is styled away from his face, showing his features.

"Jimin," I say.

"Chae-rin," he replies in the same tone. It's not warm but it's not cold. Just neutral. "So, it's true then? You didn't refute it."

I let out a small chuckle and say, "I'm sure you have better things to do than wonder about my relationship. Jin just asked for all the guys to go take photos. I'm pretty sure that includes you too."

"I was on my way over when I saw you here," he tells me. 

"Then they are probably waiting for you."

"You don't seem to be comfortable with my question," he smirks. "Is it because maybe you and Namjoon aren't dating?"

He's testing me. Jimin and I have a very strange-actually, I wouldn't even say relationship. We aren't friends, but we aren't strangers. We are normally somewhat cordial with each other but I can read him. He doesn't really like me, but he tolerates me. It's too bad that he's so good-looking. His sassy remarks and hidden intentions totally ruin him.

"Jimin, I just didn't want to throw it out there out of respect for, well, you know," I say, knowing he knows I mean his sister. Well, not that it should matter to her. She broke up with him! "But yes, Namjoon and I are dating."

"That's odd," he quips. "Because he called me begging me if I knew any reason why my sister broke up with him," he replies.

Well, he's got me there. Namjoon did tell me he called Jimin... I don't know the timeframe of that either so it could very well have been within the last couple of weeks. Our little lie here has some holes. We've been dating for a month but if Namjoon called Jimin during that month, it's's going to be complicated. I should concede, to save myself from any embarrassment, but when I see that snarky smirk forming on Jimin's face, something literally snaps in me.

"Yes, and Joon and I had a very long talk about that," I reply. "I get it. He was with Ae-ra for almost two years and so when she gave him such a bullshit excuse for breaking up with him, he wanted answers. While I don't agree with the way he went about it, we talked and now we're okay."

Jimin's smile turns into a thin line. "That's very mature of you."

"Well, we are adults," I shrug. "Joon and I have known each other for a decade. We don't have to worry about silly things like that." It's not a lie at all and that's why when it comes out my mouth, it sounds so convincing and there isn't an ounce of waver in my voice. "We have a bond like no other."

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