Chapter Twelve: Namjoon

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I wake up the next morning and Chae-rin is just waking up. I know this because I felt her moving around in my arms. I peek down at her and her eyes are just awake, staring off into space. It's always funny when I see her do this because where does her mind go? I'm just going to wait to see how long it'll take for her to try sneaking off, even though she knows I'm a light sleeper.

It surprises me that ten minutes have passed and she hasn't moved a single muscle. My eyes close and I go back to sleep, thinking she is probably going to do the same. Spoke too soon. Chae-rin shifts her sleep, her ass lightly brushing my crotch and my eyes flutter open. She continues to move around, her body constantly making contact with my sensitive member. Does she know that she's doing this?!

"Chae-rin," I mumble, startling her.

"Oh! You're awake," she says, catching her breath. "Sorry. I was just-" She stops midsentence because I press myself closer to her so she knows that she is responsible for this. It's not completely hard, I can get harder, but it's enough for her to know.

"You better take responsibility for this," I tell her. "I was just sleeping and minding my own business and you started moving all about against me."

"I didn't mean to!" Her eyes widen as she sits up in bed. "That's...that was an accident."

"I think it's a good time to do something new with you," I tell her, needing to relieve the pressure. "Have you ever had the pleasure of getting eaten out while sucking someone off?"

"W-what? And no! We aren't-" I rut my hips against her and her face goes red. "How? How are you already hard? It's morning! It's literally," she glances at her phone, "nine in the morning!"

"It's just what you do to me," I shrug, sitting up and placing a small kiss on her neck. I move my kisses up her neck to that little spot under her chin and her breaths become shallower. "You might like this position." My fingers trail down her front, down to her mid. "Frequently known as sixty-nine."

"I haven't brushed my teeth," she says, pulling away. "Can we at least get washed up first?" She clears her throat, and I'm sure she is trying to also clear her mind.

"Fine," I tell her.

She moves so quickly and I don't think I've ever seen her move that fast. I snicker and get out of bed, my boner very prevalent and very needy. This is the worst. Not only did she make me hard, now she doesn't want to do anything. I may have to give myself a little relief. I meet her in the bathroom and she's standing there, brushing her teeth with a blank face. What is she thinking about? I smirk, wondering if she's also thinking about having a morning fuck.

"You," she says to me, pointing with her toothbrush.

"Me?" I laugh, trying not to spit the toothpaste out onto her. "Why do you sound so accusatory?"

"Because," she rinses her mouth. "You said some things that were...unexpected." She takes a handful of water and splashes it on her face, bringing a little life to her face.

So, she is intrigued. I knew she would be. She's just too shy to admit to it and I know this because last night I knew she wanted us to fuck, but she held back. She wanted me to just read her mind and while I could tell what she wanted, I wanted to hear it come from her lips. There's something enthralling knowing that she craves me.

I shrug, trying to hide the fact that I just got hard thinking about her moaning as she sits on me. "I was just asking."

She gulps as her eyes look down to my crotch and then looks away. I continue to brush my teeth like I didn't just see her check me out. I know what she's thinking. She's curious now and I know she's wanting to try what I suggested, but she's going to play coy. That's fine. It doesn't look like my hard-on is going anywhere.

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