Chapter Eight: Namjoon

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I hadn't intended on this happening tonight when I brought Chae-rin dinner. Honestly. I was thinking about her and I figured she was tired so that's why I brought her dinner. When she opened the door, immediately I saw her outfit and I had to focus on so many other things to get mind to stop thinking about her. I waited a good hour and a half before I let my carnal desires take over. She just looked in those pajamas. It wasn't necessarily lace, but it's the way it draped over her body so perfectly that made me go wild. And then, she had to go and let out those soft whimpers when I was massaging her. It was too much for me.

I finish my shower and walk into her room where she is already under the covers. I open the dresser where my extra clothes are at and pull out a pair of sweatpants. It's not like I have a designated dresser at her place. I just know that she tends to put miscellaneous things into the drawer and so that's where most of my things go. I turn around and she's scrolling through her phone, her eyes big and curious. What is she looking at that has caught her attention like that?

"What?" she says when she catches me staring.

"Nothing," I shrug. "I think I'm going to stay over." I walk over and crawl in beside her. "Is that okay?"

"Of course," she tells me.

"Chae-rin," I say, slowly. "There's an event tomorrow and uh, can you come with me?" I don't know how to ask her without sounding like I'm using her.

"What is it?" And then she sits up in bed, observing my face. "Ae-ra is going to be there, isn't she?"

I nod. "Yeah... It's this brunch that Jin hyung invited me to..."

"Joon, you don't have to feel weird asking me to go with you," she says. "We have a deal. I'll go with you. What time do we have to be there?"

"Eleven," I reply.

She nods and slides back down in her bed. "Okay. Sounds good." She lets out a yawn and places her phone on her bedside table. "Good night, Joon."

"Good night," I mumble beside her. "Chae-rin," I clear my throat. "I, uh, well, after I have sex, I like to cuddle."

She glances over her shoulder and arches a brow. "And you want to cuddle? Right now?"

I nod and she presses her lips into a thin line. She's not a person who likes to cuddle much nor does she like to do hugs very often, so I know it's asking a lot. I just...well, I like feeling the person. It's why I always hug a pillow when we used to have sleep overs. I figured now that we're having sex, maybe we can also cuddle when we sleep? That's not too much, right?

"Fine," she sighs.

I smile and pull her into my chest. She lets out a yelp, probably from the sudden movement of me yanking her into my arms. "Yes!" I snuggle into her, my legs interweaving between hers, my arms around her waist.

Her hand moves to hold my hand that is resting on her stomach. "Good night," she says one last time.

I think I fall asleep first. I'm usually pretty good at falling asleep quickly and given that I've been exhausted from work, it's not a wonder how I fall asleep within five minutes of cuddling. I am a light sleeper, though, and even the slightest movements and noises can wake me up. That's why I'm being woken up for the third time tonight when Chae-rin rolls around in my arms. Why does she move so much?! Has she always? I tighten my arms around her, hoping it'll stop her but it doesn't. She manages to turn in my arms until her face is showing to me.

It's dark in here and the only light in here is from the moon coming through her sheer curtains. She has a small frown on her lips, her eyebrows furrowed. What could she be dreaming about that she has this face? I smile, moving my hand to flatten her pinched brows. It's so weird seeing her this close. I mean, yeah, I've known her for ten years but I've never been this close to her. It's different... I yawn and shut my eyes, pulling her into my chest as I try to go back to sleep. Her hand wraps around my waist and she burrows her face into my chest. She lets out a small sigh as her nose brushes my chest.

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